Bruh answered question about i like crying
I'll have to think about it, what you did was really fcked up
Bruh answered question about question
Bruh what the fck- you did the good thing and your cousin will realise that when she grows up dw
Bruh followed a goer

I’m not stupid.

20 07,2021
Bruh answered question about make a picrew
We discriminate against everyone equally on here
Bruh answered question about question
Yall need to check your privileges attacking a half bisexual woman like that #halfbisexualsdeservelove #stopthehalfbisexualhate
Bruh answered question about i like crying
You're right, you are a bitch
Bruh answered question about let's be positive
Bruh answered question about stop procrastinating
Oh you're talking about people blocking ME, then yeah it's prob a couple, i know 2 for sure
Bruh answered question about question
I don't Are you okay dude? Do you wanna talk about something or what?
Bruh answered question about question
Bruh answered question about question
Damn, well stranger I don't really know you or what you've been through but i hear ya
Bruh answered question about question
Bruh answered question about question
stare at him? It's a good tactic ngl, he's prob gonna think I'm crazy and start running
Bruh answered question about question
Why tf did this make me laugh, what is wrong with me. Quick someone punch me
Bruh answered question about you're a serial killer
Bruh answered question about let's be positive
Yeah don't forgive anyone kids