They need to get therapy, the top is a metal patient, he also needs to be jailed but no the author thinks it's blooming love and love starts with rape so she kept writing this shit and gave it an even shitty ending. DO not read this. IT IS A BIG WASTE OF TIME!! I SANE PERSON CAN NOT ENJOY THIS. IF YOU'RE ENJOYING THIS, GET HELP!
Waste of time. Bad ending. The couple didn't end up together. They just stayed sad thinking about each other and the end~ i literally feel like crying for wasting two days in reading This when i could have done so much more. You know what? I might even just quit reading anything at all bye!
I mean the ending hints towards the mom trying to make them run the restaurant together and they both clearly like each other but idk.
LMAO I can feel the pain through your message. The recent comments gave me spoils omggg this has to be a first bl where they don’t end up together (for me) but I haven’t read it and after those spoils I WILL NOT.