Girl what are you doing???? I hear stories that pregnancy can make you a little stupid but damn sis, how are you gonna open a door for someone who is wearing a hat and you can't see there face properly I mean did you not JUST have a conversation about how you and you husband have to be extremely careful because of the date of your death is coming up and you both could die? Maybe I just care about my life but if it was me I would at the very least have everyone I don't care if it's my own mom show me their faces and IDs along with have an extra set of security to check their cars and their body for weapons, and if they refuse they can take their salty asses out of my house. Also besides the death date coming shouldn't you at least be somewhere nobody knows where you are like y'all are literally rich taking time to relax after everything with your husband and his family in the woods or on top of a snowy mountain would be fun and beautiful and most importantly nobody knows where y'all are, you just need a hospital and you're good. Love you sis but damn what you did was stupid as hell.