Getting tired of reading yaoi where the seme is really pushy with his affection towards the uke and the uke is either too much of a pushover or caught off guard just enough that the seme does whatever he wants and they end up in a relationship without the uke being able to put up much of a fight or say something about it. Can someone recommend me yaoi where the seme…I don’t know, gets humbled a bit before uke accepts him lol? Like I’m tired of jerk semes just doing what they want and then getting to be with the uke without suffering or getting rejected a little bit first LOL

Just found this one. It’s then opposite of what you’re looking for, the pushy one is the bottom (but top is not arrogant)It’s a bit twisted.

Looking for a BL manga (can’t remember if it was yaoi or just shounen-ai) about 2 guys who had been friends for a long time but they had a falling out (I think seme stole uke’s girl friend or girl that he was interested in and seme never said why?). I think the story takes place when they’re in university and they haven’t spoken to each other in a while, seme keeps his distance from uke. I think uke sees seme talking to another girl the uke is interested in and thinks he’s trying to steal his girl again but it turns out seme was actually trying to help uke out and encourage the girl to date him? Uke confronts the seme asking why he betrayed him before and seme confesses to uke that it’s because he loves him. Of course they end up together lol. Seme has long-ish black hair and uke has lighter hair.

I don't know i remember this one after reading it -

Ah, I found what I was looking for! It’s this manga in case anyone is interested:

Forgot the name of yaoi, the seme and uke were friends in college, they had feelings for each other but neither one said it outright. They finally end up sleeping together but afterwards the uke overhears the seme talking on the phone to someone and thinks he’s talking shit about the uke, saying how he only slept with him so he’d get over him or something? Heartbroken the uke disappears from the seme’s life, he cuts off contact with him and blocks his number. They meet again years later when seme comes to work at uke's company. Some other stuff happens, but eventually they realize that it was a misunderstanding, seme wasn’t talking about the uke that night. Despite knowing the truth now, uke doesn’t want to be in a relationship with the seme again but I think the seme yells at him in the street and convinces him they should start seeing each other again? There are also some chapters from the seme’s point of view showing how he’d actually been interested in the uke for a while, eve since he saw him at a bar, and how he was actually really heartbroken when the uke cut off all contact with him before.

Looking for a webcomic that’s tagged as romance. It’s about a man and a woman who decide to get married but it wasn’t because they were in love. I think the summary said something about the female lead having confessed to the male lead in the past but he rejected her? In the last chapter I read they were taking their wedding photos and she was originally gonna do them by herself but then he surprised her by coming to the shoot. Also no one knows that they’re not actually in love, she hadn’t told her best friend yet that they just plan on getting divorced later.

Looking for a one shot about a gangster (?) guy who likes to wear cute clothes. I think there’s thing about his “aura” where when he’s in his gangster mode he looks big and tough but his normal self looks like a cute girl (but he’s a guy). He gets picked up by another dude while crossdressing one day but the dude ends up being ok with it. Main character realizes though he’s actually one of his gangster friends and he just doesn’t recognize him because of the “aura” thingy. They end up having a good time and they both like each other without the gang guy finding out it was him the whole time.

I usually read Mangago on my iphone using Safari. It's always been fine before but for the last couple months it's looked funny. For some reason whenever I try to read on my phone I don't see the bottom half of the webpage with these questions and the feed comments. Also I noticed whenever I try to look at lists it doesn't look right (it'll only show one manga on a page instead of a list). Looking at everything right now on laptop is fine though.
Does this happen to anyone else? Has it been this way for a while? I'm not able to read on my laptop all the time so I usually prefer my phone but it bothers me how much it screws up the site. I don't think anything about my phone has changed, just the usual updates. I can still read manga fine and see new manga and everything, but I really like seeing the comments and lists too. :(

Hey guys so this isn't yaoi or manga related but I see people post their personal problems here sometimes and just wanted to see if anyone could help me out or give me some insight...
So I recently graduated college with a BA in graphic design. But my parents expect me to at least get my masters. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go for it so I didn't apply for the sem right after my graduation and the next time I can would be this December. But I'm still really unsure if I should really pursue it.
Part of me wants to because I think it'd be nice to have a MFA because I'd feel really accomplished. I would also be able to have my tuition paid for, but I believe only until a certain age, and I'm 2-3 years away from that cut off, which means id have to apply this year if I want enough time to do everything and have it be free.
But the other part of me doesn't want to, mostly because I don't see a need for it and I'm not keen on all the work I'll have to do. Having a masters in my field doesn't really help as much, its experience and your skill that counts. But my parents are REALLY pushing it, my mom already got super pissed when I told her I didn't apply for the last sem. I feel like my parents don't get how hard it'll be for me, but they really want me to get it because they think it'll help me for future jobs and they want me to do it before time runs out and I'd have to pay for my tuition. It doesn't help how my mom keeps comparing me to my cousins saying how they already got their masters and are going for the PhDs now too and they're only a couple years older. She also tells all our relatives about how I'm going to do it and it makes them proud and impressed but I just feel more pressured. My older sister has her masters but she said part of the reason she got it (besides getting a better job) was so that our mom would shut up, so I'm afraid if I don't at least try to apply my mom is just gonna remind me ALL MY LIFE (and I'm pretty sure she would, like all the time).
I've talked with my professors about it and it really seems unneeded, especially since I don't plan on becoming a teacher or anything. But i think I've been keeping it in mind too because I've been having a hard time finding a job related to my degree. I feel like I'm only going for it because I have nothing else to do and I'm just post-poning finding a real job. But I've also been really rusty on my skills and uninspired lately, so I do kinda want to do it just for the sake of challenging myself and having something to do.
I also have the option of enrolling into another school and getting another BA in something else; if I do that my mom wants me to major in something more "practical" but I only care about art stuff, and it feels kind of dumb to put myself through all that for a degree I don't really care about.
Sorry for the long post, it's just that I've had this on my mind for the last couple of months and I really want some advice.

Well it's simple really do you feel that if you continue might help you later or not ?! it's something you decide for yourself your parents think of what best of you but the matter is what best for you , if you felt that if you continue might come handy in the future then continue if not then face them it's your own future you should be free to decide for yourself what you want ...

As someone who does not (and will never ever *cry*) get my schooling free, my first instinct is to tell you to take advantage of it for as long as you can. I mean, Master's where I live are so crazy expensive, and the price tag is only going up. Plus, it might be worth it to follow your sister's path just to avoid thirty years of parental grumbling. To be honest, that would be worth it for me.
But anyway, real advice time: don't just listen to your professors. Look into the job market in your area (or where you would like to live in the future) for your degree. Talk to related businesses about what they expect from employees education-wise. Look up the chain if you would care to advance in your chosen career and see what those upper levels expect. Get as much info on this as possible. Then, if you know that you don't need your Masters and want to avoid more schooling, go into it with eyes wide open. If you decide to stay, then you'll know it's worth it both career- and skill-wise.
All in all, the best advice will always be to do what you feel to be right. You only have one shot at life, so you gotta make it count now. So good luck with whatever you decide. This internet stranger is rooting for you! :D

Thank you for the detailed explanation it helped me gain perspective from both you and your mum.
Its clear that from your hesitation you do not have an interest in pursuing graphics, and that is perfectly fine. From what I read your mum wants you to get a Masters degree...but it doesn't matter what field its in, as long as its a Masters degree.
"I've been having a hard time finding a job related to my degree. I feel like I'm only going for it because I have nothing else to do"
Dude you summed it up. I STRONGLY think you should NOT pursue it, there are so many other pathways that have a broader range of jobs to offer, maybe itll take a couple of months to find one you want to pursue but it sounds like if you go down the path youre currently considering it will not solve your problem, it may make you unhappy spending years learning about shit you dont care about, dont like, didnt want to do and you only showed up because your mum wants to boast about another one of her offspring getting a masters degree, but really who cares!? ayyyyy at least one of her kids got a masters degree, shes fine. (a paid tuition never hurts but maybe theyd pay for one in a different field??)
the ONLY benefit you will gain is getting your mum off your back (for a couple of years maybe) and possibly a job, maybe not a good one for you. No matter what, no one can make this decision FOR you.
Spend some time by yourself, have a day where you go off the grid, spend the day at the beach or somewhere quiet, turn off your phone if you have too and try to relax and just let it be. This will help clear your head, you may see a solution that you over looked or gain some peace of mind.
When you said that your mum probably wouldnt shut up about it it reminded me of my mum. She never lets anything that slights her go and its a shame shes turned into a bitter person. However im firm and confident with my myself when i talk to her I know that her opinions and what she says about me dont matter, because i am HAPPY. and that is more important than anything.
I hope that regardless of whatever you choose, when you look back you will be happy with the decision because you did it FOR YOURSELF. Nothing else and nothing more.
Im feeling poetic, so keep in mind that this is just a chapter in your life, it is not the main plot line. Other things will come up. If you do go for it, you can quit at any point NOTHING is fixed
Good luck mate
Think about yourslef
Do it for yourself

There's a hint in what you say here:
"I don't plan on becoming a teacher or anything. But i think I've been keeping it in mind too because I've been having a hard time finding a job related to my degree. "
You already know it's tough to find a job in your field. You don't plan on being a teacher, but what if that's the job that's open? Would you rather teach graphic arts or pursue a degree in something else that you don't like as much?

Hello.. I know how hard desain graphic major because I took that major as well (i am a bachelor of visual communication design and didnt get it for free).
It is not a fool choice to take the master degree (well, it will be difficult since most master lessons are theoretical). However, since it's free, why not take the chance? Don't let the class limit yourself. A friend of mine are a great illustrator and already a part of Indonesian comic artist (try to find creepy panda, it must be somewhere on deviantart), and he was struggle with class and the rest, however it do not make him stop and quit the university (he is an artist already. Without the major he will doing fine).
My advice is: take the master degree. Sharpen your skill while you are study more about art on the college and since you said you have a hard time to find a job (currently), you can use it as additional time to think, learn and decide about what you really want to do. Change your point of view and try to see things in much more positive way :)

http://scary-panda.deviantart.com oh and here the link of the friend I talked above. If you have too much free time perhaps you can check around~

From life experience.. Something like this can't promise a bright future.even untalented people who never work hard can succeed in life.I don't know man..life is short and unpredictable.just follow your heart and...
1. Be good to your parent
2.be good to people
3.be good to yourself
4.work hard and belive the future.

Thanks to everyone who replied, I didn't expect so many answers!
I'm still gonna think over all my choices, but it really helps to get other people's perspectives on this. Everyone's points were really valid, but you guys all helped me realize a couple things about myself and the situation. I'm still unsure, but I think I know how to go about dealing with it and what I really need to consider and who's opinion matters the most.
Thanks again everyone! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Thanks for the reply!
The thing is, a part of me kind of wants to do it just for the sake of knowing I can accomplish it, but I think you helped me realize that if I do pursue it, it has to be for ME and no one else. I think what i hate the most is that it feels like I'm being forced to decide and do everything within a time frame, so I have no time to really think about it.
I'll definitely take some time for myself and really try to think about it with a clear mind. But in the end you're right, I have to do right by me first.

Looking for a yaoi where the uke is invited to attend the exhibit of his favorite artist. The artist guy meets him and immediately kidnaps him. The artist is in love with the uke after getting so many letters from him over the years and encouraging him to be better. He ends up raping the uke and keeping him locked up. The artist's friends learn about it and are shocked because they never thought he was in love with him so seriously. I think they help the uke escape and at first the artist guy is all mad but I'm pretty sure they end up together in the end.

This one:
I didn't like it though.
Looking for a shoujo-ai/yuri Korean webcomic where it takes place in college and the MC has a crush on an older student but they already have a girlfriend. The girlfriend does not treat them well though and there’s a subplot about them where they eventually break up. Meanwhile there’s another student who is friends with MC’s crush who is actually in love with MC herself. At first she mistakenly believes MC likes her but then gets disappointed when she finds out she actually likes the other girl. In the end MC and FL end up together and the other girl MC liked at first ends up with MC’s best friend. MC has short orange hair and FL has long black hair.
bad thinking diary?
No, unfortunately not!