jaekyung is such a conflicting character because i don't fully approve of his treatment of dan at this point in the story, yet he's also helped dan out of bad situations multiple times. he's toxic but im lowkey eager to find out more about his character as the story progresses and see how mingwa goes about developing all the characters in general.
i want to see more good news for dan regarding his whole life because i feel bad for him like all the time. (╥﹏╥)
im also eager to find out who this new character is that appeared at the end of the chapter..

Omg I know right? I'm sure jk’s background story is disheartening. I can't wait to see how he got to where he is now. I mean, from the previous chapter, he went on with talking about how he can never lose, his jinx, and how he cannot rest when he has other boxers trailing him. It must have been so hard for him to train to be so strong, I wonder how his childhood was too. TBH, I just have this strong feeling that jk must have suffered and gone through a lot, maybe even more than Dan. You might never know.

omg yea im also really curious to know more about him! like how did he first find out he had this jinx and at what point of his career was he at when he found out? what aspects of his life and past experiences put him in the mindset that he has to train as often as he can to the point where he sees resting his body as a waste of time? surely he must, at least sometimes, feel the pressure of being such a famous athlete and expectations from everyone to succeed with flying colors each time he enters the ring..
i really hope we get the chance to discover more about his past in future chapters >.<
OMG stop i love them. sori is going to be a crucial part in helping iseul find out how fulfilling real relationships with people can be and im so excited for it.