The story follows Bum, a young mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated wit...
- Author: koogi
- Genres: Mature / Psychological / Horror / Drama / Webtoons / yaoi
Na-kyum is a young painter with an exceptional talent: creating erotic images of men. Though he has ...
- Author: Byeonduck
- Genres: Historical / Smut / Yaoi / Webtoons
Nagatoro is a freshman girl in high school who loves bullying her Senpai. But he puts up with it, ev...
- Author: 774,Nanashi
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shounen / Slice of Life
Third-year high school student Aya, who's secretly afraid of water, manages her high school's swim c...
- Author: komori mikko
- Genres: One Shot / Romance / Shoujo / Sports
Upon first sight Machida Yuki knows that she doesnât want anything to do with Naru...
- Author: MIYUKI Mitsubachi
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Sports
Because of her appearance and her behavior, Yoi has been continuously treated as a prince, despite b...
- Author: Yamamori mika
- Genres: Shoujo
A 15-year-old country girl has to move to Tokyo to live with her uncle due to her father's tran...
- Author: yamamori mika
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Slice Of Life
From Damn Feels!<br><br>Ohno Fumi is a poor 2nd year high school student. Because of her...
- Author: Yamamori Mika
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Slice of Life
In this screwball romantic comedy, Haruhi, a poor girl at a rich kids' school, is forced to repay an...
- Author: hatori bisco
- Genres: Comedy / Gender Bender / Harem / Romance / School Life / Shoujo