I mean we never bat an eye on athyxlucas so how is this any different. She's 300 years old mentally and knowing the nature of "beautiful" magicians on these type of stories, THEY DON'T AGE PHYSICALLY so ion mind it at all
I mean we never bat an eye on athyxlucas so how is this any different. She's 300 years old mentally and knowing the nature of "beautiful" magicians on these type of stories, THEY DON'T AGE PHYSICALLY so ion min... harubb
but i think athy and lucas are both old and lucas fell inlove with her soul not her body
Well yea the point is that Lucas met child athy as an adult and athy even said that becoming a child changed her personality as if she really were a child So basically what I mean is that both here and ibapod they are both grown adults but both fls are in a child's body
abi kog sabong