Sunny's experience ( All 0 )

Sunny's answer ( All 3 )

about question
I have a lot but mostly play pubg,cod,lol and mlbb   reply
14 04,2021
about question
14 04,2021
Honeslty, the ones where the uke looks like and acts like a girl like just so dmn femine yk what I mean? I just want to see one where its like a maleXmale and not like a maleX a wannabe female. The author juet make it look disgusting like why can't they just be 2 boys? Just cuz it's it's bl does not mean the bottom has to be girl   5 reply
14 04,2021
about question
14 04,2021
A bit of mixed with curly and afro hair but they didnt rly have it face is chubbier then it looks in here. A mole on the left side of my cheek, lunfer my right eye and under my lip on right as well. Also on top of my nose. Lios a bit smaller and also look like im always sulking   reply
14 04,2021

Sunny's question ( All 2 )

16 04,2021
So like I am in serious need of help. I am 156cm and I weight 96kg. I have something called hypothyroidism which makes me gain weight so it is hard to lose weight and even when I do, it's hard to maintain. So I would honestly appreciate if you guys dropped just anything that helped you in your weight loss journey or just any tips
16 04,2021
Hey! I honestly need help. I want to lose weight so badly I'm 156cm and I weight 95kg. I have something called hypothyroidism which makes me gain weight even if I exercise unless I do it everyday and I'm not that type of person. I do not want to take any weight loss pills cuz I do not trust them. I cant wear clothes that I like and I'm too embarrassed to take full body pictures because of my body. If you could drop anything that helped you then I would honestly appreciate
14 04,2021

People are doing

did show me your favorite manga

Just some of them:

3 hours
did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 days
did scuba diving


1 days