I loved this. All of this! The brocon was cute, not a fin of thinnest but it was cute. Loved all the characters, even the sus Keiji. I feel cheated because we got the adorable wolf pups, but where is my vampire baby? I mean, her being pregnant is kind of wrong, she is only a freshman, maybe she is older in vamp years, but not even a bump?!

This is so tragically beautiful! The diary gutted me. To see them find comfort in each other was amazing. I know Kazu had somewhat of an ulterior motive as he has loved Yuki since childhood, he still only wanted him to be happy. Whether that was with brother or alone. He just wanted Yuki to smile. Gosh! I wish there was a second volume.

This was beautiful! The realistic and wonderful love story and character growth from all. Even Dustin's parents. While the timing might be weird, I will insist that Sage us Dustin's bio dad, but this story shows that blood isn't always family. Sorry, not sorry Gerard. Having lost both my parents this year, in their sleep when I wasn't there, made Richard 's passing hurt a bit more. Just like with my parents, I could sense it. That he was going to pass that night. That Lily also knee, broke my heart. I wish this was longer! I wanted to see their wedding! Maybe adoption of other babies, Peach growing up. Loved everything about this.

Some kind soul posted the Spanish raws for the final chapter and extra and I love this couple so much!!! I hope someone translates it as my Spanish is super bad. I caught the gist of it, but just the gist had me crying! Rei is so gorgeous and freaking loyal! Yamato is sexy and dedicated. I forgive the cheating as he didn't see himself as in a relationship. Just a marriage of convenience.

I like a little toxicity, I do. Spices it up. This author though, doesn't have a line. I've now read 3 of their stories. This. Sura's Lover. Jianmuqi. They are all psychos! It's like there is a contest in her brain to make the craziest of crazies and she must beat the last story. Jianmuqi was bad, then I read this, which is really bad, then Sura....well Sura is just so psycho that even gaslighting can't make the uke happy. Or even pretend to be happy. Do they have a fluffy story? A forest of green flags seme? Or are they all psycho murderers obsessed to death?
My poor guy spent money and years to find him, when he does he is hundreds of years too early. My guy becomes a demon due to loneliness. He creates copies to help his love t kill him. Then he finally gets to be with him and he dies?! I was hoping they would do a time loop where the end up together before the accident.