can someone help me to understand whats going on in this chapter?

Wolfgang needs allies to rule and that’s why Shin was so obsessed about him finding a wife. The woman is now proposing Wolfgang to be his Godmother so they will be allies and rule together, let’s say, without Wolfgang needing to marry anyone. In this way, once Wolfgang manages to date Shin publicly, they will all be happy xD

im just going to adress the controversy once and for all
yes, what the author did was bad, and i am not just going to throw it aside.
but it was a long time ago, and id like to believe shes changed.
i however will not continue to support her until shes given an apology, and then well see from there.
weve all made mistakes in the past (i myself projected my religion alot on other people in what im now realising to be borderline bullying, ive apologised since then and changed for anyone wondering) and while we cant just excuse her actions we have to be open minded to change and second chances

for any cis people who have seen, or read some of the shit going down in the comments im gonna clear some stuff for you.
reading and enjoying omegaverse does not make you transphobic or homophobic. and this is coming from a trans gay man.
dont let the spammer degrade you or get to your head.
you are completley in your right to enjoy omegaverse and bl
is anyone updating this?
or are their no more mature scenes to update
We have to wait and see if there will be more mature scenes. So far there aren’t any more mature scenes in season 3 but we might get some near the end.