Okay so after reading some spoilers there were actually 4 timelines where Ines regressed but, she doesn't remember her first life.
First Life: She married Carcel. They had a son, Ricardo who died soon after being born. She tried having more kids but she was too weak and suffered many miscarriages but she eventually got pregnant again. Carcel knowing her weak constitution plans to abort her baby because he knows she wouldn't live if she were to have their baby. He was successful but Ines found out about it and they got into a huge fight and split up. They both eventually died, Ines at Mendoza and Carcel at War.
Second Life: She married the Pos Crown Prince, Oscar (mind u this fucker regressed and knows about his which is the first timline and decided to marry Ines before Carcel makes a move on her). He cheated on her many times and unfortunately made Ines catch a disease with all his whoring. She suffered an illness and countless miscarriages and dies later on by committing suicide.
Third Life: She remembers her 2nd life (1st to her since she doesn't remember her 1st life) She married that commoner painter, Emiliano and they actually lived a happy life with a son. But unfortunately that didn't last long as Ines' family killed Emiliano and took her back. She found out about the family trying to kill her son so she killed him herself and committed suicide again.
Current Life: She's with Carcel again and she's planning on using him so she can divorce him afterwards and escape her fate.
This is honestly sad but the story is well written. I might actually read the novel now since this manhwa is super late