toowoonoo March 21, 2025 11:02 am

They're both so stupid, I LOVE them.
Like babe, of course its awkward, you've been besties for YEARS, both oblivious to your feelings, and now you're mashing genitals together with next to no prior communication just after having the biggest falling out of your entire friendship. There's going to be a transition period lol

toowoonoo March 13, 2025 2:18 pm

I can't imagine being so obsessed with a work colleague (who barely speaks to me) that I would spend twenty seven THOUSAND dollars on something just own jewellery from the same shop he just went to?? At the off chance that she could continue to be mistaken for his partner? That's actually nuts. You could get a brand new car for that sort of money.

toowoonoo March 11, 2025 12:44 am

If the myriad of trigger warnings in the comments aren't enough: THIS IS VERY GRAPHIC SO IF IT'S TOO MUCH FOR YOU, DON'T READ IT.
I thought I'd give this a go because the art is so stunning and I enjoy black flags in moderation. I am usually fine with most dubcon, and I can be okay with a bit of noncon, but there are (many) instances where I find it too much and decide to stop reading due to noncon frequency and/or severity. This might be one of the ones I drop, though I will wait for a couple more chapters to come out before I decide as I am interested in the story's potential. I have managed with it all so far, but I don't think I can continue reading if the story doesn't progress past this point soon.
Just a warning for other people who, like me, aren't big fans of dub/noncon but don't mind it here and there- the noncon is some of the most graphic noncon I have ever read featuring an unconscious person, and so far the rest is aggressive dubcon that is very close to being noncon. 13 chapters in and that is pretty much all that has happened so far; every chapter has a content warning, though none are episode specific so please proceed with caution if you have certain triggers.

toowoonoo March 7, 2025 9:36 pm

I have been trying to figure out how tf Guwon got his tattoos during an apocalypse where tattoo artists/ supplies would obviously be on the bottom of the priority list for survival, it was really bugging me.
I think I might be dumb bc I didn't consider until recently that he's so Frankenstein's monster coded with his neck stitches (DUH) that it's probably not tattoos. His sleeves were still frustrating me because I thought they could have been part of the Frankenstein get up, just from a black person's corpse instead of a Korean's, but the colour just doesn't fit because his arms are literally jet black with no undertone, plus there are no visible stitches attaching them to his body. Him being ice cold just cemented it for me. What if it's necrosis?? Tissue death but not brain death; his head seems to be the only places with the stitch marks so far, what if they somehow attached a living person's head to a dead body to reanimate it somehow?? What if this entire weird town is a big experiment and the residents are monitoring this experiment?? Idk if I am being delulu (I probably am) but I need answers NOW. It's too peaceful for an apocalypse so I feel like there has to be something sinister going on in the background, I don't trust like that

    ExhaustedPotato March 7, 2025 9:51 pm

    He has stitches around his ankles, you can see them in chapter 5

    Mioro March 7, 2025 9:56 pm

    Babes love the theories but people CAN tell when smth is necrotic. Also simpler answers is he got the tattoos before and just when the world fell apart. It was only a few years back

    toowoonoo March 8, 2025 9:53 am
    He has stitches around his ankles, you can see them in chapter 5 ExhaustedPotato

    ohhhh I didn't see those!!

    toowoonoo March 8, 2025 10:04 am
    Babes love the theories but people CAN tell when smth is necrotic. Also simpler answers is he got the tattoos before and just when the world fell apart. It was only a few years back Mioro

    Oh I thought it was much longer lol oops! Didn't feel tooooo ridiculously outlandish in my head though until you said something, due to this being a fantasy bl where literal zombies exist

toowoonoo February 26, 2025 10:45 am

99% of the translation is 10/10 and the sfx etc are all super clean, I had to read through it again bc I couldn't tell if it was official or not as it was done so well. The thing that is seriously bugging me though is constantly seeing "B# (B-flat)" because B# is B-sharp, not B-flat (written as Bb). I really hope its simply a translation error that can be fixed for the next chapters, because the author/editor/publisher of a music manhua should really know the difference, especially when it is something as important as the name of the band. The whole scan is done so well though, I can't say I have much faith that it's not the author failing to do their research. To show how annoying it is to non-musical people, its like constantly reading something like "$1 (1-pound)". It's such a small detail but so obviously wrong you can't help but get frustrated reading it so often lol.

    toowoonoo February 26, 2025 10:48 am

    to make it worse I got so worked up about it only to find there are only going to be two chapters lmaoooo

    Niki February 26, 2025 2:57 pm
    to make it worse I got so worked up about it only to find there are only going to be two chapters lmaoooo toowoonoo

    You sure it's not just prologue chapters? Because this has potensial altough I'm not expecting a long story but two chapters?

toowoonoo February 17, 2025 9:43 am

'you stole my first kiss' Jigu babe that was you. Also look at this idiot jumping to conclusions again- he sees that his hyung has left and you can tell Jigu will immediately think 'oh no he was actually awake the entire time and now he has run away because he HATES me' and proceed to avoid him for like 5 chapters. Meanwhile, knowing Yeowoon, he probably just left to use his own bathroom as Jigu is having a meltdown in his or to take a phone call or something and will be completely confused by the sudden distance between them. I just can't imagine Yeowoon getting flustered by anything.

toowoonoo February 15, 2025 7:29 am

This man is giving me serious himbo vibes, just... not quite? Is there such a thing as a dark himbo? Either way, I love big handsome stupid men

    Domosama February 15, 2025 10:55 am

    Glad to see you here. Missed reading your comments (≧∀≦)

toowoonoo February 3, 2025 9:30 pm

I binged this in an afternoon on webtoon but came here for the comments bc I don't have an account lol. This is soooooo cute I love them all sm.

Literally the only things I dislike about the entire webtoon are Tyler's tattoos. I get they all have important meanings behind them but the placements are awful. I just get the feeling the author doesn't have tattoos themselves/ doesn't know anyone with real tattoos and placements to reference from, because what do you mean he has a tiny fine line tattoo on his chest but an enormous bold one up his neck? Its really irking me out because otherwise he is so hot, and is actually the reason why I put off starting this for so long. Give him the full tattoo sleeves he deserves plssssss so he can reach his full potential

toowoonoo January 8, 2025 9:54 am

Dada y Papa? I love them so much icl. This story is top-tier, I LOVE how the misunderstanding trope just doesn't exist because they are comfortable in themselves and clearly really trust each other. Like, Kwon fully thought last episode 'I would like to be this girls dad. hm. Wonder if Ho would be okay with that' and BAM the next episode he is Papa?! Love to see it

toowoonoo January 6, 2025 11:52 pm

"the slime reached sexual nirvana and died." made me spit out my water, plsss why was that so funny to me

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