The "Emma, Further Tales" manga fills in details from the "Emma" manga, both before and after the ev...
- Author: Mori Kaoru
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Romance / Seinen / Slice Of Life
Yea my fav romav
Ce stories or somthin ig
Maybe 2 weeks or 3 im not sure i justed wanted tell the artists name it is Aya Takano .Her artworks are immaculate and i love them so much
I have no memories about myself I dont know who I am so yea idk my age
Wtf why no one likes each other ???
Hell no i hate jellyfishes
I never hate the country if there is something wrong it is bcoz of their government. I dont hate China i hate their government
Live laugh love
Shipping people irl is so weird like really weird. Maybe your joke can get bigger and disturbing that it can end a friendship. But it is ok maybe you didnt know and you wont do it again.
11 02,2021
10 02,2021
10 02,2021