Wow something happened that he didn't have control of and that's his reaction
My ja dropped like how unrealistic was thisputting this big ass dick in without preparation?!?! HOWW
Where do I find a man like him who wears this formal stuff and fcks mehe's so hot
Tbh I love the new artstlye!! The only thing is that both of them were way more manly and now they are rather "cute" with big bodies if y'all know what I mean. It's not bad but it's definitely a big change
Where are stories like cherry blossoms after Winter or at least not fully toxic stories. Limited run for example has a Red Flaggy top but at least no rape happens..I just need more good stuff
I love how the top looks exactly as Cain from the love triangle manhwa..I hated can can my whole heart tho Mccain is way betterrr
Ok but why would the killer wait. It sounds so silly butvof we think about it on the desperate Level? Is this normal? Is the killer a normal person too? I have so many questions
So je is just a man after all. Just cause you're mad does not mean you can trest leo like that..I so disappointed
I had high hopes since I rllx like this author but unfortunately this story is shit. Rape rape rape
1) no is no
2) is it so fucking hard to say he met up with a friend?? Why lie I just don't get it
3) why cant jiwoon just not ask who he was with and why he was lied to like?? They are way more comfortable building up mistrust as I see
Someone commented a spoiler some weeks ago saying he is doing this on purpose so that MC doesn't like him anymore, to protect him but bffr you could have said some harsh words and that would have been enough,why rape??
The whole manhwa is shit but if you bored u can read ut
No way is that his way of keeping jin out of the fight ?!
I don't think the big reveal happens now..maybe he forgets what happened
I dont feel any sympathy for matter how happy they make that ending lmao