Haesoo hit too close to home , im in the same exact position right now :')) idk if he loves me or just want me for "that" lol it feels disheartening even i already know the answer that it's obvious

ofc you're sad because your feelings for him are genuine. when i was in your situation, my friends told me to just cry it out and take my time. they said that i will get tired of my own sadness it really did happened. i got tired of being sad, found the courage to move forward. he will come back to you sooner or later once you stop chasing him. for now, he didn't notice because he is used to having you to care for him and he knows you're there for him.
I love everything about this manhwa , found it incidentally and the best mistake ever i guess hwhshe i love the found family the side animals romance lol oh and of course sejun and aileen the slowest slowest burn ever but overall i just love it so much