Hey guys, does anyone know the chapter in junjou romantica where usagi san has an autograph session and basically maski had "agreed" to come if he does the autograph session. However, on the same mahiro gets a high fever. Misaki and nee-san panic coz there isnt any hospitals open. Usagi-san wonders when miskai will come and talks to himself about family is better. Then misaki comes late coz of the train traffoc

Hey, does anyone know a yaoi manga that includes rugby or football. All i remember is that there is two boys who are best friends and one of them plays football/rugby and i have no idea what his friend does. They are in highschool but somehow the friend also hets involve with football/rugby and gets close to one of the team mates. The boy gets distracted while looking at his friend who made a new friend. The ball flies towards the boy but his friend blocks the ball and gets hurt instead. The boy doesnt know how badly his friend got hurt and later finds his friend with the team mate in a empty classroom helping him to put the badges.


Hey guys, i have been looking for a yaoi manga but cant find it . The story is about a florist and a customer that pops in all the time to buy flowers. The florist falls in love with the customer but knows that he has a girlfriend already. Things go on and later at the end the customer confesses that his girlfriend and he had broken up and explains how he start falling for the florist without knowing. And the florist confesses that he likes the customer as well and they end up as lovers.
Ps. I am pretty sure the customer was gay from the start and his girlfriend wasnt a girlfriend but a boyfriend but the customer hid that fact to the florist

sry meant this http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hana_ni_omoeba/

Hey guys, i am looking for a yaoi manga and its about a uke and seme who are dating but havent had sex yet. The uke wonders why the seme wont do it with him and i think it was their anniversy or something like that and the seme brings roses. The uke made a plan to tie the semes hand and blind fold him. The uke basically forces the seme to have sex with him and the flower vase crashes on the floor and thats when the uke realises what he was doing to the seme and unties the sems hand and basically expects for the seme to break up with him. But the seme was proud that the uke made the move coz he didnt know if the uke really wanted to have sex with and i think the seme wasnt certain if the uke like him. I think the uke is the type of person that doesnt express their feelings on the outside

Hey guys, i am looking for a yaoi manga. The uke is in highschool and is friends with this guy who has black hair and maybe glasses he likes motocycles. The black hair dude has a younger brother (donno if its step brother) but the black hair dude hated his younger brother coz he "stole" his gf by having sex with her. The uke is in love with the black hair dude and goes over to his house. There he mets the younger brother and the younger brother basically rapes the uke. The black hair dude find out and stuff happened but later the younger brother cries and apologises for what he did and that he loves the uke. The black hair dude finds out that his younger brother didnt actually steals his gf but his gf jumped on top of his younger brother wanting to have sex.
Extra chapter- the younger brother goes shopping with the uke and the uke recieves a call from someone. The younger brother gets jealous that person was special to the uke. But it turns out that ita the ukes dad and he is really young looking.
(Ps. The uke lives with his uncle and ran out from his dads)

Are there any yaoi fans who dont read Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and Junjou Romantica?

I read both, but i prefer sekaiichi than junjou more. But not really my cup of tea too

I more or less dropped Junjou Romantica around the Ijuuin arc. I don't like love triangles in series where the couple is obvious or already a thing. Especially when it involves a guy like Usagi. He is obvious with his feelings. He did not need a rival to wake him up when he has been open from day 1. So the rival to give them a little push thing doesn't work there. Also Miyagi/Shinobu was my favorite but they got fewer and fewer appearances. Once in a while I will check for those two but that's it.
Hi everyone a belated happy new years!! I was wondering if it is just me but i geuinely dislike reading ongoing series apart a few mangas. I love reading finished mangas because i can read it till the end knowing that it is completed and feel satisified and wont need to wait years for updates etc. Sekaiichi hatsukoi, junjou romantica