BlackPink22 January 28, 2017 1:56 pm

Story about the friend and the sensei

BlackPink22 January 24, 2017 2:03 pm

This manga is forwarding soo wonderfully misaki is finally saying he loves usagi natually and hope he mentions it more offten in the future (^-^) feels like nee-chan will help misaki and usagi to proceed their relationship donno if nii-chan will though (T-T)
If a new couple shows up for the next chapter i will explode wanting to know what happens to usgai and misaki and wanting to know how the "talk" went with nee-chan and nii-chan (×_×)

Meetoo_rock January 19, 2017 12:47 am

This story is the sequel after what the story of his little brother the prequel (the story before this one


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