death2luv followed question about receive kabedon

Your skin is not a PAPER don't CUT it Your face isn't a MASK don't HIDE IT Your size isn't a BOOK don't JUDGE it YOUR LIFE ISN'T A FLIM DON'T END IT Hey guys I just like this quote and many humans are suciding and hurting themselves ヽ(`Д´)ノ so don't do it ok be happy recently I also try to sucide but was saved and I my friends who care for me......

12 02,2021
death2luv answered question about turn into a guy
I'm not that difficult to get along with:)
death2luv answered question about liked someone i shouldn't like
I was pretty chill with it igz, i was 10 and i remember just sitting up in bed and watching those like videos on how to deal with your period for a beginner, but then I thought it was coming from my uhm,,,"bEhINd" so i kept asking my aunt if that was possible but she just kept saying no lmao.
death2luv answered question about liked someone i shouldn't like
I dont even know, sometimes i cry for hours just by knowing i am going to have to wake up the next day and do everything all over again. It feels like the same old bullshit everyday and I dont know how to explain it but it feels like i am being dragged around day by day by the people i "have" to live for.
death2luv shared experience about parents finding out
So, I left my phone at home when I went to school one time, and then my mom was like "oOoOuU pErFeCt oPPoRTUniTY to LOok THrOugH heR phONe" so she did, and she saw I was looking at lesbian p--n ( i am a fellow lesbian lol ) and later that week she called me, we didnt live together cuz of some messed up stuff, but she was like "dont be mad BUUUUT,,,......