2023-06-25 19:03 marked
Well semi full. It's a sex scene. hard to translate pictures. Easier to translate text but i tried my best. XD

Ch 61 translation:

*scene/emotion description*

*panel of Jiwon's apartment complex with only his lights on*

*next panel showing them sloppily getting off their shoes in the hyeongwan* (T/N: genkan in japanese, it's the first area of the house where shoes are meant to be taken off before entering)

*panel showing Jiwon licking DG's lips and making out with him, zoomed in shot of their mouths*

*zoom out we see Jiwon wrapping his arms around DG's waist and head pulling him in and making out with him*


*next panel shows jiwon rubbing his leg on DG's crotch (T/N: still clothed XD)*


*they stop making out for a second and stare at each other. Each of them flushed red*


Jiwon: *looking at DG flushed red and sweatdrop* "Nam Donggyun..."
"Are you okay with this? Do you want to do this?"

DG: ".....!" *badump badump*

*puts his arms around Jiwon's neck and slightly collapses his head embarrased and brightening red and getting more flushed face*

"...Is there...a reason not to?" *Flares up in blush* (T/N: lol my english is poor XD)

Jiwon: *looking down at an embarrased DG* "!"

*panel where we see DG's legs being elevated off the floor*
DG: "uwaaah!"

*zooms out we see Jiwon picking up DG, having him in his arms, and walking off to the bedroom as he's lifting DG in his arms*

DG: "Sunbae! I-I can walk myself!"
*fidgeting around*
*jiwon still carrying on*

*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
CH 61

*DG's lying on the bed with a buttoned down shirt and in his briefs while Jiwon is sitting next to him slowly working his way over him and they're making out*


*jiwon is pulling off his shirt while DG is lying on the bed*

*panel of jiwon finishing off taking off his shirt*

*zoomed in on Jiwon's face staring at DG.* *badump* *blushing*

*panel of DG staring back at him. Blushing* *badump badump*

*Jiwon moves closer and wraps his arm around DG's shoulder and brings him in towards him for another kiss*

*panel then shows DG's shirt being unbuttoned by Jiwon*

*panel shot of DG with his shirt open and in his briefs looking enticing for jiwon ;) *

DG: "ah.." *embarrased*

Jiwon: "....." *staring in complete awe, eyes widen* *badump badump*

*jiwon collapses onto DG's chest and is burning up in blushing. Steam*

Jiwon: "Ugh damnit... *murmurs* I want to do it already" *hugging DG while hiding his face and trying to hold back*

*DG becomes even brighter red and blushes mad hard. Surprised*

*zoomed out and Jiwon is off DG just looking and waiting there on the bed while DG is slowly taking off his briefs and shirt*

DG: "I-I...it's been awhile already since..."
*badump badump*
*him turning his lower half around now completely naked and enticing him by having his hand on his ass and gesturing and posing shyly seductive*
"just do it in a way it doesn't hurt much..."
*badump badump*

*panel showing Jiwon snapping* (T/N: might as well add a nosebleed LOL)
Jiwon: "....."

*next panels show moments later*
*panel of lube*
"hah...ah" "AH!"

*zoomed POV shot of DG's ass being loosened up by Jiwon. Jiwon's pants are now off*

"Ngh. AH MMPH..!!"

*zoomed out we see Jiwon with his arms wrapped around DG, one hand loosening him up and the other holding him close as he licks and sucks on his nipple*
*DG is trembling*

DG: "Ah, sunbae....AH!" "W-wait.." "AH!"

*panel of Jiwon slowly taking his mouth of DG's nipple as he looks at DG's face of estasy*
"Agh, ah"

*Jiwon begins kissing his neck*
*DG surprised and flinching* "Ugh, Ah"*

*zoomed in on the neck we see a mark left there ;)*

Jiwon: *talking into DG's ear as he's still fingering him* "A lot of time has passed, but I loosened you up well so it won't hurt now"

DG: "Ah, y-yeah it's fine..."

*panel showing DG shaking and trembling more*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his fingers*

*Jiwon gently kisses DG on his cheek. DG's face is bright red and in esctasy*
DG: "!!"

*Jiwon on top of DG looking at him and DG still trembling looking back at him glossy eyed*

Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, honestly, do you want to do it?"

*panel of DG's eyes beginning to whell up. face bright red heavy breathing*
DG: "....."

*panel of DG's hand reaching for Jiwon's dick*

*grabs his dick and brings it towards his ass suggesting he stick it in*

DG: *hand still on his dick bringing it closer inside him* *zoomed out shot we see DG covering his face being shy with his legs spread open* "It's...It's okay, hurry..."

*next panel we see Jiwon bright red biting his lip and can't hold back any longer*
Jiwon: "ugh!"

*jiwon then trusts inside*

DG: *shaking* "AH!!!"

*zoomed in on Jiwon's face gasping, bright red, slightly shaking. Looking at DG *

*panel zoomed in on the action showing jiwon moving and thrusting*

Jiwon: "it's completely....like the first time."

DG: "Ah.. AH!"

*zoomed in on jiwon's head next to DG's as he's thrusting even harder*

DG: "UGH!" *flinching, shaking*

*zoomed out. Jiwon picks up his head, DG wraps his arm around Jiwon's back slightly clawing his back*

DG: "ah... ugh!" *DG tearing up*

Jiwon: "is it too rough?"

DG: "No..no it's not that..."
*DG smiling as he stares into Jiwon's face*
"they're tears of happiness"
*Jiwon's eyes widen and he's surprised, blushing*

*Jiwon carresses DG's face*
Jiwon: "...I see now." *smiles*

*next panel Jiwon begins to lift DG's legs and begins to thrust into him even harder*

DG: "W-wait...!" "If you do ...it like th- UGH!"

*panel of DG's face in pure esctasy. about to climax*
DG: "i-if you thrust like...AGH...!!!" "HNGH UGH!"
*shake* *thrust* shake* thrust*

*jiwon then huddles over DG and thrusts deep into DG's ass*
*shake thrust*
DG: "AH!" "Su-sunbae...!!" "NGH!" *trembling*
Jiwon: "Ugh..."

*panel shows DG came all over his chest* *heavy breathing* *cool down*

*panel showing Jiwon taking out his dick. DG's ass dripping with his load*

*panel showing them staring at each other heavy panting*

DG: "Sunbae..." *staring into Jiwon's face reaching up to his face*

*panel of DG interlocking his hand with Jiwon's hand*
DG: "I love you..."

*panel showing Jiwon bending his head down to kiss DG*
DG: "Mmph..!" *taken aback* (T/N: wasn't expecting a kiss)

*panel showing jiwon tightening the grip on their interlocking hands*

*last panel zoomed out aerial type shot overlooking them on the bed Jiwon still on top of DG*

*badump badump*


WOW! it's harder to translate sfx and chapters with no dialogue LOL.
This chapter was obviously a sexy-time chapter XD
Hope I did it justice.

I also hope this story continues past them getting back together. I want to see their life afterwards. Maybe Jiwon struggling because he doesn't know what it's like to be in a relationship or how to properly treat DG. I can see that. Or them discussing what is their relationship now. and what about the stream! lmao.

Oh and side note: BJ alex means broadcasting jockey alex. that's what BJ means in south korea. Not...well...blowjob. just a side note for anyone wondering or confused or still thinks it's blowjob. lol
2019-01-26 07:26 marked
Ch 58 translation:

*scene/emotion description*

(T/N: this Ch is kind of a flashback to thw last 4 chapters just in DG's perspective instead of Jiwon's perspective. It flashes back all the way to the first day of class)

CH 58

--first day of class--
*panels of DG getting dressed*

*panel of DG sighing getting ready to leave*

DG thinking: 'let's get this over with without hesitating'
*Arthur meme fist panel* (T/N: lol)

*scene change to first day of class at campus*

Student Council person: "hey everyone, please wait a moment. The student council has something to say"

*panel of Jiwon standing in the front and staring at the class and to DG especially*

*panel of DG surprised and flinching*

DG thinking: *turning around avoid eye contact * 'ugh...!'
*panel of him awkward*
'Why out of the whole class you had to look at me?'
'so awkward...'

Student Council person: "you guys can go now"

*panel of DG scurrying off in a hurry*
DG thinking: 'ugh, i should leave quickily'
*gets up*
*cell phone on desk highlighted*

*scene change to DG outside a convenience store drinking water*
DG: "Ah... I'm still nervous from that"
"For us to lock eyes right on the first day of classes...."

"Oh wait... My telephone!!" "Where is it??!"
*shocked. Flinch* *DG doing the pat dance when you can't feel something in your pocket*

DG: *running* "Ah...the classroom!!"

*opens door to classroom*
*panel of Jiwon noticing DG*
*panel of DG surprised*
DG: "Ah!"

DG thinking: 'why is sunbae here..?!'

Jiwon: "this phone is your's right?"
"I was waiting so I can give it to you"
DG: "...."
*takes phone then dashes away*

*DG outside the classroom nervous and leaning on the wall. Heavy breathing*
DG thinking: 'uh...he really surprised me'

'Wait a minute. Sunbae was waiting in the classroom?'
'He did that in oroder to give me back my phone?'
*sweatdrop face and confused. Slight blush but mostly confused*

*panel switch to chibi DG*
'No. It's just a coincidence. But I'm glad i got my phone back T_T'

--that day was only the beginning to everything --

*beginning of montage*
*panel of Jiwon staring from the desk behind*

--lately I found myself running into and in vicinity of sunbae a lot. It was strange--

*panel of DG at a desk in the library while Jiwon is behind him pretending to get a book that's so "conveniently" behind DG*

--Every time I noticed, be it in class or at lunch time, I felt his gaze on me.--

*panel of Jiwon looking at DG as he's passing by with his lunch tray in the cafe. Jiwon has that glasses twinkle. Sharp look*
DG: *nervous* (T/N: not looking but feels as if someone is watching him. And he's right lol) "...."

*panel of the scene where Jaejin took the picture with Jiwon in the background*

DG thinking: *as he's looking at the photo* *confused and embarrassed* 'sunbae is definitely in this photo'
*panel of Jiwon in the picture zoomed in on his face*
'Could it be... He's following me?'

*panel change to DG walking with Jaejin and Jiwon watching from a distance. (T/N: panel is in symbollic style. They're like 5 feet apart but in the classic red and black loom background)
--As time went on, sunbae and I found ourselves crossing paths a lot more and that made everything more difficult--

*DG's confused face*
DG thinking: 'why? Shouldn't he hate me? He was really annoyed and mad before'
'It's as if he's hovering over me just to find me somehow'
'But why if we're finished...?'

--what I don't understand is...--

*panel of DG facing forward still but looking back at Jiwon discreetly slightly blushing*
--why am I still thinking about him? Even when I'm firmly and definitively trying to control my feelings for sunbae--

DG thinking: 'Stop over thinking. This is a small campus and it's common to bump into the same people often'
'I think I'm just too overly conscious of him'

*scene change to the present where Jiwon is standing outside DG's door out of breath and DG sick*

DG: "huh..?"
DG thinking: 'sunbae...why...?'
'Why did he come to my house?'
'I don't want to be with you sunbae now...'
'Until recently I was so lonely and sad...'

*DG coughing and collapsing onto Jiwon*

DG thinking: 'i wanted someone to be with me...' (T/N: as in to take care of him while sick)

*couple of panels showing Jiwon prepping food and medicine for DG*

DG thinking: 'sunbae... Why are you now being nice to me?'

*panel of Jiwon placing a cool rag onto DG through the eyes of DG*

'Ah sunbae...'

*panel of DG feverish and laying in bed with the cool rag*
DG: "..."
"Sunbae, honestly, you can go now"
DG thinking: 'whether I'm sick or not doesn't really matter to you anyway'

*DG coughing and turning over in bed*
DG thinking: 'Don't keep on confusing people.'

Jiwon: "move over a bit"
DG: *surprised* "!"

*panel of them spooning. Jiwon big spoon and DG little spoon. Jiwon did this to warm him up ;)*

Jiwon: "Stay still. When you fall asleep I'll leave. The medicine will take effect soon"

DG: *badump badump badump*

*panel of DG's "feverish's" (T/N: *wink*) face. He's blussssshinnnngggggg*

DG thinking: 'Sunbae... Why are you doing this to me...'
'Right now...'
*panel of them spooning side view*
*badump badump badump*
'It's like you love me.'

*panel of DG's face zoomed in. Brows furrowed and nervous*

DG thinking: 'if this keeps up, I will not be able to stay away from him.'

--I feel really dizzy, I'm not sure if it's from the fever or sunbae--
--the only thing I know for sure--
*panel of Jiwon's arm wrapped around DG*
*badump badump badump*
--is that in sunbae's arms it's so warm that I don't feel cold anymore--

*panel of their heads as they lay together*

DG thinking: *smiling as he's laying with Jiwon* 'How did everything turn out like this?'

*white background with narration boxes*

--The heart I promised I would strengthen, closing it off firmly...--
--seemed to melt a little from sunbae's warmth.--


*table flips.* (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
another week to find out what happens afterwards. Does he leave when he falls asleep??? Do they makeup??? The suspense T_T

I hope next week will continue the story. I have a feeling it may be a Chanwoo+MD chapter but I hope not. With the timing, seems like something the author would do lol. I like the pair A LOT but I just need to know what happens with Jiwon and DG. XD
2019-01-06 10:37 marked
Ch 57 translation

*scene/emotion description*

--a few hours earlier--
*scene of Chanwoo handling the register at the cafe*

*door opens*

Chanwoo: "welcome~!"

*Jiwon walks up to the counter*

Chanwoo: "....!"

Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun... isn't working today?"

Chanwoo: "what?" (T/N: genuinely does look confused Lololol)

*Chanwoo recalls him running into that cafe in the rain a couple chapters before*

Chanwoo: "....." *becomes annoyed* "ah..." (T/N: it's this mofo)

Chanwoo: "why are you looking for Donggyun? What do you want?"

"Have you no shame? Why are you interested in Donggyun now?"

"After all you did to him?"

"Leave before I get seriously mad"

Jiwon: "...."

"I know very well I don't deserve to even to this"
"I decided not to interfere in his life anymore..."
"But... I'm really worried about Nam Donggyun"
"I came here to give you this"

*places a bag on the counter from the pharmacy*

Chanwoo: "!"
"Medicine? Why does DG need medicine?" (T/N: in the Korean raws chanwoo's nickname for DG is Dongdong but the English version uses DG so I'm going to use DG"

*chanwoo's phone vibrates*
*DG calling*

Chanwoo: "Ah..!"

(T/N: DG's side of the convo we saw in the previous chapter)
Chanwoo to DG over phone: "Hey DG! ah... What? My shift is over at 10pm"
"...why does your voice sound weird?"
"What??? I understand"
"As soon as I finish I'll go to your house. Yeah. Okay~"

Jiwon: "...." (T/N: he doesn't hear DG)

Chanwoo: ".... Nam Donggyun, that guy has a really hard time when he's not healthy"


Jiwon: *flinch* *sweat* "!"
(T/N: they're in the chibi gag form doing this lol)

Chanwoo: "ah... DG's condition is not good"
"And he's alone today because I get out late from here..."

Jiwon: "then I can give him the medicine in your place"

Chanwoo: "What are you saying?!!!"
*slams his hands on the counter*
"But you don't even like Donggyun!!"

Jiwon: *surprised* "that's not true!"

Jiwon thinking: 'ugh!' *nervous*

Jiwon: "N-no wait.. I meant..."

Chanwoo: "Then what? Do you like him or not?"
"If you do, prove it"

*panel of Jiwon with author's signature red black loom background*

Chanwoo: "if you can admit it in front of me, if I can hear you say it,"
"Then I'll let you go to Donggyun."

Jiwon: "....!!"

*panel of Chanwoo looking smug*
Chanwoo: "can you say it?"
"Someone as proud as you, can you even say it?"

*panel of Jiwon flustered sweating yet looking determined*
Chanwoo: "C'mon let's see"

Jiwon: "...." *swallow*

Ch 57

*scene change to Jiwon at DG's door present time*

DG: "S-sunbae, why?"

Jiwon: "I came...in Chanwoo's place" *avoiding eye contact saying this. Slightly flustered*

Jiwon thinking: 'i did something so Damn embarrassing to come here...'

Jiwon: "Are you...okay?"

DG: "..." *cough* "I'm fine. There was no need for you to come here"
*cough cough* *falls*

Jiwon: "!"
"You aren't good at all"

*scene change. DG in bed and Jiwon coming in placing the bags down*
DG: *coughing*

*panel of DG coughing like crazy and Jiwon looking*

Jiwon thinking: 'I'm now here but I don't know what to do.'
'Donggyun already hates me as it is but this situation is very frustrating' (T/N: as in it's frustrating that he thinks DG hates him but he's worried and wants to be near him)
'I think I have to get through this first though'

Jiwon: "Did you eat get?"

DG: "no"

Jiwon: "I bought some porridge as well as medicine"
*panel of the bags*

DG: "I'm fine"
*tummy growls*

Jiwon: "..... Come."

DG: " Okay.." *Head down embarrassed*

*couple of minutes later*

DG: "thank you for the food..."

Jiwon: "okay now take the medicine. Tomorrow go to the hospital so they can check you out"
*hands out the Medicine*
DG: "I-I'll be fine in a day. It's not necessary"
*takes the medicine*

Jiwon: "even in your current condition you aren't going to go?"

DG: "Honestly this isn't a big deal sunbae... You can go now..." *coughing*

Jiwon: *furrows brow in frown*
"I'm not going"
*gets up to scooch closer*
"You have a high fever"
*places his hand on his forehead*

DG: "!"

Jiwon: "You're burning......."
*looks down at DG*

DG: *looking up at him* *gasp* ".....?"

Jiwon: *embarrassed. Quickly jerks his hand off.* "Anyway, you should definitely go to the hospital!!!" (T/N: gag panel)
Jiwon thinking: 'what was I doing?'

Jiwon standing up: "quickly get some rest. If needed I'll bring a cold towel"
DG: "okay..."

DG: *tucking himself in. Shivering* "ugh...cold..."

Jiwon: "Are you really cold?"

DG: *sits up* "going to find something to change into"

Jiwon: "No. You need to rest. I'll find you a shirt and some shorts?" *walking into the bathroom for a cold towel*

DG: "what? Ah..."

Jiwon: "turn off the lights"

*Jiwon sitting on the bed next to a lying down DG placing a cold towel on his head*
DG: "Sunbae, it's okay now, you can go..." *cough*

*DG turning over having a coughing fit*

Jiwon thinking: 'how could i leave just like that?'

*panel of him taking off his jacket*

Jiwon: "move over a bit"

DG: "?"

*panel of Jiwon resting his hand on the bed*

*panel of his arm wrapping around DG*

***beautiful panel of them spooning***

DG: ".....!"

Jiwon: *flushed face* "this way you aren't so cold"

DG: " su-su...s-sunbae...???!! T-this... W-what are you doing...." *shook*

Jiwon: *eyes closed* "stay still. When you fall asleep I'll leave"
"The medicine should take effect soon"

"Go to sleep"

*panel of DG's towel falling off.* *badump*

*panel of DG's flustered face (T/N: not just the fever ;) ) * *badump * *badump * *badump*
DG: "....."

*panel of DG closing his eyes*
*badump badump badump badump*


Aaaahhhh. Will he leave when he falls asleep :O nooooo. Lol. This is the first DG+Jiwon interaction in awhile.
These chapters are getting so suspensefulll.
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
2019-01-02 11:23 marked
ugh, this dude has such fucking sexy posing
2018-11-26 00:45 marked
I can't tell if he's sucking blood or sucking dick but whatever
2017-12-20 21:22 marked
look out! Badass on the loose!!
2017-10-22 09:22 marked
Is this the fycking ending? What was that??? I-I have no words...
2017-10-12 02:36 marked
2017-09-29 22:34 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2017-05-29 09:11 marked

asami and akihito ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ cuz this manga "finder" is one of my fav manga and also my fav ship (▰˘◡˘▰)

2017-05-28 08:18 marked

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