So does the crown Prince know that the baby is his

Spoiler if you haven't read the recent chapters
Yes, the crown prince knows that the baby is his if you read chapter 31, he asks for Benedict to call for peter, and thinks something's related to Louis' signs of pregnancy, and then in this mind(I think?) " that person lied to me" 'Louis Alexa is Pregnant' and in some of the previous chapters, you should see the flashbacks about before Louis was pregnant, when Louis was doing the "did" with someone, it was actually just the crown prince, and Louis was drugged or something by Rafael(i think)

I dont think so, bcos if u noticed in previous chapters he's not aware know Louis doesnt have any memory of that night 4 mos ago. He thought that Louis just dismissed it like it doesnt happened, and if u remember how he mentioned as well somewhere during those 4mos ago that he also thought Louis is no longer a virgin and that he is doing that, sleeping with anyone (thats why he's supposed to be w/ Rafael that night too). So I think based on the raws, he's still not aware that its his kid, and its only him that had sex with Louis hehe.
So I haven't read this but the comment saying that the seme don't know that the uke is a boy how is that happing?
Nono the seme knows the uke is a boy, I think the people that siad that haven't read finish the updated chapters
Oh so seme knows