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Hellavator July 19, 2021 7:35 am

the way he looks at him just gives me a heart stroke were can we find a person like him

Hellavator July 19, 2021 6:37 am

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Ronnie<3 May 2, 2021 9:00 am

So it basically starts off with a boy crossdressing but he when he crosse dressed he looked like his sister..And basically he wnet to the bar and there he met a guy and they were about to have yk and the boy told him he wasn't a female and the guy said he already the next morning the boy wakes up and all he leaves and after some years and so he finds out that his sister is dating the guy and thats all I remember- ā”—( Tļ¹T )ā”›

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Lonely hoe <3

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