So no one's gonna talk about the taiwanese guy?? His lover literally tried to flirt two ppl while they're apart?? They're dating, and yet..... Meh, I lost it. He may be an extra but I think he deserves a better man. And the main couple's low-key frustrating esp on chapter 8. Seme really tried to fix the miscommunication with seggs. Idk, I'm really a keen observer when it comes to the communication of couples, and this ain't it. It's good that everything ended well, but this could've been better. Still good, tho.

It started out okay, and interesting. But the last chapter is a big NO. Letting ANOTHER guy touch him without consent, asking him to do 'it' with the guy in FRONT of him, and taking the situation so lightly as if what he did was as simple as stealing a candy? Wth. I have read some stories with threesome whatnots but this ain't it. This doesn't sit right with me at all. It has the potential to be a good story, but the last chapter ruined it, tbh.
Gangbang and tendencies of incest. The main couple is so cute together, but the circumstances around them is just too.... unacceptable? idk.