Nakyum's heart is broken. I don't know if NK realizes it, but he is using Seungho for rebound sex.
King of the F-Boys is pissed that NK is using him. Every heart Seungho broke should be thanking Karma right now.
I am curious how this will work itself out. Since there is so much more going on in the story than just the budding romance.

To me, neither one wanted a relationship going into the agreement. Neither one handled the situation perfectly.
MD realized his feelings first after seeing the bruises. Chanwoo realized his feelings when he saw MD kissing the liar.
They both sincerely apologized and appear to have forgiven each other. I hope they can work everything out and live happily ever after.
Hyesung being alone is selfcare. Heysung not running away and remaining in the home is huge. In the past that was his default; leave without a trace. My guess is it's because Heysung is a parent now and he wont abandon Byul. Thankfully Heysung is surrounded by loved ones too, so I am hopeful for a happy resolution. <3