Hello~~ (=・ω・=)
I'm sorry for not being able to talk to you
I wasn't able to log in for a while(/TДT)/

Thats okay actually I recently changed schools so getting use to a new
environment school curriculum has kept me pretty busy. But being in an
all girls school suits me better. So how have you been Emily-san I just went
to see the Movie Battle*Angel*Alita you know its also an anime if you have
time watch the anime than go see the movie your going to love it *Smile*
Your online friend forever an always *Kim*(▰˘◡˘▰)

Happy St. Patty's Day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Hey cutie!! It's still winter here but almost spring as there are lambs and calves being born now..getting warmer..you have the luck of the Irish with you first it was Billy Joel and now Rocking Rod and the pop princess of the 80's!! Hey how did the last concert Go? Heared that The Boss dropped in for the show..miss you my sis!!

Yeh it was amazing I only took a few photos cause It was that exciting didn't
want to miss a minute. Right now were on a bus to Tuxedo NY Renaissance Fare.
Megs neighbor has a shop in the antisense market an gave her tickets an no were
not dressing up. From there we're taking the train to Syracuse CU when I get back.
Tootles Nii-san. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Wow cool..always wanted to go to a fair like that!! Please take photos of the day with Meg..hello Meg..waves..just had the flu again here, can't wait to it's summer time.. My body will start healing again lolz the All Blacks and Black Ferns won last night over Australia happy as can be with the results..
You have a fun day my cute little sister
Hugs and smooches
Your loving Nii-San

we made it Syracuse safely but mark was upset about our last minute detour.
Sheezzz.. I'm not a little "Kid" of course if I'm protecting Maggie I'm going to
protect myself also. He's just like my father he wanted his driver to take us there
than to the train how fun that would've been spied on an chaperoned. Well forget
about them I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well little sis is concerned you must
take better care of yourself. We're leaving for the Falls of Canada to spend the day round trip of course. Than its back to NYC to get ready for the new semester.
Meg says hello too and I'll talk to you again when I return Smoocheeesss…!

Lolz..awww Mark was just looking out for you well I guess it would be a different story if it was me coming along with you two..glade you had a good time there and can't wait to see the photos.
Am getting better as I've had my over due flu shot..thanks for the hugs New school term soon? Wow..the end of the year is getting closer and it's coming into Spring time soon.. Hello back at Meg and big hugs to both of you..
Smmmoooccchhhhssss for my little sis xox

Sorry it might take me a minute to get settled into my new school, plus
coming in the second semester I have to get use too a new curriculum.
And now that me an Meg are in different schools thats going to take some
getting use too. The San genero festival has started hear downtown in
little Italy, i'll make sure to take some pic's and post for you okay..! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Rules of all schools are the same no matter where you go really, and it the second semester for you already?? The school year sure has gone by fast this year..
You can still talk to Meg, just don't get caught using your phone during class lolz..
You seem to be going to alot of festivals lately..lucky you..little Italy, mmmm all the food I could eat if I were there with you XP..hungry now

Theres a huge difference between prvt an public schools for one prvt isn't
funded by the state they rely solely on tuition cost. And the class size in public school's is 25-35 or more students in prvt its 10-15. Prvt admission an selection of their students are based on reputation status an reference's. And the curriculum
is geared more towards raising tomorrows *Leaders* the curriculum is basically college bound level an also varies from school too school it takes time to settle in. One good thing is I don't have to try out for the team thanks to the exposure from
ESPN an local HS news coverage naming me an my rival the two rookies to
watch out for..! Oh BTW buffalo-burgers are made from water buffalo meat.LOL
It was surprisingly juicy and delicious but don't get it med or rare med-well is
best. I will talk to you more when things settle down a bit and I find my grove
and start watching my *Anime* again hehehe... Bye-bye Oniisan..!

Oh what? Your joking? Jeezzzz it doesn't sound safe there at all for you sis
Well big brother has been busy with work here, get busy as the rush for fueling boats starts to increase.. And its getting really warm at night now with it being 18'c or more. Is it snowing yet for you my little sis? What are your plans for xams?

Ahaha now that was priceless I know a few arrogant bastards I'd like to turn into a womanLMAO
I bet you do sis..
ヽ(`Д´)ノ Oniisama how the hell are you.LOL
And you know I go.nyahahaha.............
Just woke up here..when for a company fish on Saturday and got 5 large Snapper..and a heavy suntan
OMG! I love me some red snapper cooked Caribbean style of course Drool.ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Lolz..they were so fresh, 4 of them were eaten last night and the heads and bones were made into a soup
Sis..are you ok out there? Seen on the news here that New York is in a grip of a serve snow storm be careful out there..