Mingling in the human world, wolves that hide in the shadows?This new series by Zariya Ranmaru tells...
- Author: ZARIYA Ranmaru
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Supernatural / Yaoi
The series revolves around Kane Lewis, a newly graduated college student. Kane's life drastically ch...
- Author: Symbolic
- Genres: Gore / Sexual violence / Action / Drama / Fantasy / Monsters / Mystery / School life / Supernatural / Tragedy / User created
Shunichi Ikeya gets a confession from his childhood friend, Yuka Yashiro, and he comes out as gay. T...
- Author: Saku jirou
- Genres: Ecchi / Drama / Genderswap / Psychological / School life / Slice of life / Tragedy
Student Wu Mian accidentally obtained a mask. Once you wear it, everyone will agree with whatever yo...
- Author: Iron-headed wolf
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Full color / Horror / Long strip / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural / Thriller / Tragedy / Web comic / Webtoons
The protagonist who works as a translator and the younger brother who was a senior middle school stu...
- Author: 송극장
- Genres: Drama / Full color / Horror / Long strip / Mystery / Psychological / Thriller / Tragedy / Web comic / Webtoons
Kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, only the stalker is in the know!The fitting model Ju Yeon, who had ju...
- Author: 양욱,옥크
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Tragedy / Webtoons
Saimai, a lovely idol who is loved by everyone, lived a happy life as usual, until something happens...
- Author: Reki-Neko Ft.MegaLATEO
- Genres: Drama / Tragedy / webtoons
In order to help his sister to get into a university, he has put his dream behind to work hard, but ...
- Author: Dalgtal-yeong,Alien
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Tragedy / Webtoons
Gangdol who lived in the island alone loses her love to Yuna who has come to her hometown after a lo...
- Author: Momma,Bogeyman Barn
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Tragedy / Webtoons / Adult
a internet streamer Yuan Ye picked up a rabbit one day during his stream. In order to gain more popu...
- Author: 星空社
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Full color / Long strip / Official colored / Supernatural / Tragedy / Web comic / Webtoons
- Author: Andromeda 11
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Harem / Romance / Webtoons / Adult
Junhee's a pushover and has somehow managed to lend out all his money. He finally finds a great...
- Author: Gaehoju,Warpic
- Genres: smut
Oo-Jin, a bum born with the golden spoon, goes to the club like he would any other night, hoping to ...
- Author: BYMAN
- Genres: Fantasy / Mature / Seinen / Webtoons
In order to make Gyeong-Su, somone who has never had a girlfriend's dream come true, his best f...
- Author: Min-Yeong,Yu Geuk-Jo
- Genres: adult / webtoons
A boy named Shi Shan along with his little sister were offered as sacrifice to a demon that has been...
- Author: GK工坊,Blacksad黑猫
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Horror / Martial Arts / Supernatural / webtoons
New manga of shonen magazine. (12/02)A new infection has spread around the planet, that turns people...
- Author: OIKAWA Tooru
- Genres: Action / Ecchi / Horror / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy
A mysterious natural phenomenon caused the Earth to be plunged into darkness. The world turned into ...
- Author: 天下飘火,Migou animation
- Genres: Action / Aliens / Fantasy / Full color / Horror / Military / Monsters / Mystery / Police / Post apocalyptic / Psychological / Sci fi / Supernatural / Survival
Yu Dal-li (Darla), the daughter of the landlord and girlfriend of the school gang's boss, is the abs...
- Author: Active volcano,Andrew,Banff
- Genres: Ecchi / Smut / Drama / Full color / Long strip / Webtoons
The world under attack by monsters that are pouring from the 'fracture'. And the 'hunters' who hunt ...
- Author: Black seed entertainment,Daneos
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Long strip / Sci fi / Webtoons