i see a lot of people here saying the female lead is too dumb to notice and her apathetic attitude to being sexually assaulted but the things is, there are situations that doesn't feel like harassment. i was sexually assaulted when i was young too but i didn't know back then, years after just then i realized that i was molested. There are really people that just didn't know, until someone had to tell them. Statistics can tell you that majority of sexual assault victims don't acknowledge they were molested and/or raped right away, if ever— it's the body's response to trauma. And seeing y'all comments about it, and knowing the perpetrator complicates matters. It's the reason most people don't report their assault, y'all just love to victim blame here. And it's why those victims didn’t know they were assaulted in the first place. Your narratives can make someone even more unsure of what they experienced.
2020-11-09 11:12 marked
i see a lot of people here saying the female lead is too dumb to notice and...