I really liked it. The way it got me pissed off the whole time with the fcking antagonists made me shout, it's stressful and relieving for me .-.
Haven't even read the story yet, so am scrolling through these comments to decide whether to read or not... Gotta say, your opinion certainly seems like a brave one XD (I can't believe people in the fujoshi/fudanshi community still judge each other, lololol, we've all read utter shit before and enjoyed it, smh, kids these days, I swear.) stick by your opinion. Nice you found something cathartic and enjoyable to read. I don't know about you, but it's been getting super hard for me to find stuff in this Genre I actually enjoy reading, so good on you.
I'm in the point where I don't know which ex he's talking about anymore ._.
So the guy who was beaten up was the reporter who wrote the article that he plagiarized a book or the other ex before the reporter? Please tell me #-.-)
The one who was beaten up wasn’t the reporter it was the ex that he kept on going about. Then the guy who wrote about the article was just his fbuddy..