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mikasbloodysword July 15, 2021 3:59 am

does this have physical copies? i'd love to buy them to support the creator, they're my fav^^

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mikasbloodysword June 2, 2021 10:27 pm

Hey y'all! I remember seeing a tiktok on the hashtag #manhwa some months ago and i saved it so I could read the manhwa later but it seems like it's been deleted. I don't know the title, but the action in the video was with a homeless (?) boy that asked a man for food, the man gave him some bread and was like "now you gotta pay for it". When the boy returend to his brother, he was a vampire/werewolf. I suppose that this is the first chapter? It was a pretty popular video so I don't think that the manhwa is very unknown, thank you!

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