My non-existent dick is hard

I mean it could be cute but lying to everyone over such a stupid reason is just annoying to me I can't stand it

I adored Kwon Yuri in FYL as best boi of Yohan but as a love interest he's just an asshole lol

I can't stop laughing

Like seriously I'm starving here ლ(◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

The art reminds me of that one vampire webtoon called Sweet Man, I adore it

Even though I think woojin is like the human version of Scooby-Doo, he's such a natural flirt it doesn't even matter he's so sexy wth

Also euijoon is so fricking precious I love him to bits. Mad respect for how he always stands up for himself even when the situation is a shit-fest

And the sultan fine as hell (๑•ㅂ•)✧

The size difference is crimonal lmao I'm going to jail

Hisanori is too funny I love him sm