B-but i still want all of the guys who did that to geom have slow oh so painful deaths tho or at least sone notable body parts missing
I was living for the dialogue at the start then all of a sudden a wild d*ck appeared
The wattpady title brought me here lol Haven't read yet but is this good?
All I'm gonna say is... What's shown in the manhwa now is only the tip of the iceberg of how insane and obsessed wooyeon is about inseop... Can't wait lol
First time i see this condom wearing in all my yaoi, so there's still things to discover huh?
I wholeheartedly support anita, encourage it even, if she chose to revive that mf and torture him til the earth stops spinning... But leave the descendants alone
...and the deranged psychos lived happily ever after. The end?
This is usually the part where they murder people in movies... Oh god I'm terrified for our angel in seob
This is beyond misunderstanding... This is delusion with a sprinkle of stupidity
Is the number 1013 supposed to be the heart rate? If it is he should be dead lol tell me it's not
Ooooh them wriggling things reminds of an anaconda mating ball ಥ_ಥ
I adore the way he always nom noms the puppers ears
Blues I'm sorry but i can't stop thinking that you look like a cockroach huhu the antenna on your head pls
Awwww Kayden's son was worried his dad won't come home
I believe in my heart that the one jellyfish they lost DID come back to them. ಥ‿ಥ
Well i guess it's fwop fwop fwop the next chapter ┐( ˘_˘)┌
Please please please be pissed at him for a long timeeee he needs to get his shit together
Uhhh i cannot help but notice that his thing is half the width of his thigh?? ಠ◡ಠ