When Ein is brought in to the Marquess Howard’s manor, he finds himself serving TWO masters. U...
There hasn’t been many Royalty full color yaoi that has decent art, this story does a great job with that. The story is cliché with the slave and master troupe, the author tried to make it realistic when it comes to a complete ending, and because of how porn like the plot has become, the realistic ending felt rushed. It’s a good smut, but so much sex over shadowed an actual story, and sometimes it’s fine to have just straight up porn. The problem is how the author still tried to make it a story, it doesn’t mix well and makes this world that has so much potential to be more fleshed out just plain silly. Honestly the characters actions don’t make much sense, but I will just come to peace with myself and consider this one as a Hentai. So as a hentai the sex scenes in my opinion were boring, and if I was to look at it as a smut story, (because yes you can add sex scenes and still have a good story) the story line is bad. Good art, at least it had an ending. 2 stars.