MashedPotato's experience ( All 0 )

MashedPotato's answer ( All 1 )

about question
i live under a rock whats with YD?   3 reply
13 07,2021

MashedPotato's question ( All 1 )

about love
A guy in my class told me that he liked me and i knew about it for awhile now. The thing is I'm not sure if i like him too. Most of the time, i wait for him to message me. I feel lonely at first but when he sends me a message that feeling goes away. I don't know I'm just attached to him or not. And whenever we pass each other in the hallway, i avoid looking at him, or something like that. I get awkward when we try to talk to each other alone. I also act weird; I try to look pretty around him which i usually don't do. I like that he likes me but i dunno about this

Do i really like him or im just attached, or maybe i just like being appreciated???
27 08,2019

People are doing

did show me your favorite manga

Just some of them:

1 hours
did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 days
did scuba diving


1 days