I need help to find a manga
I don't remember much but there was this guy at work and his colleagues called him like yuki-onna or something behind his back (he's the bottom btw). Another thing that I remember is that he ate a lot lmao. The other male lead saw him at a restaurant or something in the first chapter
I don't think I remember anything else
It's that one manga that has a guy that has periods (and he literally shows his period blood)
Anyone has any idea?
Is it
I remember he did have a period at one point but if it’s not that I wanna know too
I'll continue posting the following season as well. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nNFdOyebUMCus7hy5m40WG3daFx7cMNQ?usp=sharing
you can also read it through here https://cu-ba-ri.-moe/-read/-gist/-cmF3L2FvYmEtc2VyYWdha2lpL2xvY2FsLW1hbmdhL21hc3Rlci9EbyUyMFlvdSUyMEJlbGlldmUlMjBIdW1hbnMlMjBBcmUlMjBCb3JuJTIwRXZpbC5qc29u/
(remove the all of the - )