Follows the life of an average hero who manages to win all battles with only one punch. This ability...
- Author: One,Murata Yuusuke
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Seinen / Supernatural
Saki Yoshida is a shy, friendless student. After graduating from middle school, she decides to make ...
- Author: ShindoL
- Genres: mature / psychological / smut / drama / tragedy / adult
Saki Yoshida is a shy, friendless student. After graduating from middle school, she decides to make ...
- Author: ShindoL
- Genres: mature / psychological / smut / drama / tragedy / adult
Yoshioka Futaba has a few reasons why she wants to "reset" her image and life as a new high-school s...
- Author: SAKISAKA Io
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Slice of Life
Teru, a poor and kind girl, recently lost her older brother, her only remaining relative. Before he ...
- Author: motomi kyousuke
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shoujo
From living under the same roof to then being classmates?! Ever since his parents passed away, Haebo...
- Author: Bamwoo
- Genres: School Life / Drama / Romance / Webtoons / Yaoi
A realist lesbian accidentally comes out to a closeted lesbian, whose only lesbian experience was th...
- Author: Gom Mali
- Genres: Comedy / Yuri / Webtoons