gabby's experience ( All 2 )

omg just never ever like no. my mum is super homophobic ((which is bad since I'm gay af)) so I tend to keep my bl tendencies away from her lmao, but my dad knows that I'm into bl bc I constantly fangirl abt it in his vicinity, but I don't think I'll ever watch it with him eww no thanks that would be way too awkward   1 reply
04 07,2017
gabby 06 03,2017
it was the school holidays and I was like lol what even is the point of sleep, so I stayed up for a full 48 hours plus and then proceeded to sleep for half a day and the thing is I wasn't even feeling tired or sleepy, if anything I was way more hyper and honestly I don't even know what I did for those 48 hours because I have like no actual social l......   reply
06 03,2017

gabby's answer ( All 23 )

yes it is I, your local lesbian yuri fans are surprisingly chill,, at least the ones who read and not watch it are so I read both yaoi & yuri (more yaoi than yuri bc like there is so litle good yuri content out there??) and I'm chill with most things so I was looking for animes to watch and I came across spiritpact s2 which was ongoing so I went to......   reply
05 04,2018
okay so I really hated hogu hagyeongsu but i think that was mostly bc like half of the ppl in the comments were defending the guy who continuously raped, abused and in the past, go the the uke gangraped by his friends also it was just like 60 chaps of the uke being raped and like there was hardly any plot at all like okay thanks I actually read ya......   1 reply
19 03,2018
killing stalking tbh and only because every single person was talking abt it and like half the ppl who had watched yuri on ice fled over to read it and after much exposure from the internet I came over too and gOds was it a hell of an experience like I didn't know it was yaoi at all nor that it was gory (which was fine with me tbh) and I was first ......   reply
24 02,2018
okay so I actually only started reading yaoi at 15/16 and it happened to be ks (my poor pure soul) and I want to tell you that you're too young but there are guys watching actual human porn at 10/11 and like the world is changing now and honestly I don't look at yaoi sexually and many people read straight sex too so it's really an issue pf whether ......   reply
24 02,2018
about penpals
as a lesbian in a country that has a law that can actually put ppl in jail for having gay sex ((legit like how tf would you even know if two dudes are banging??)) it's honestly disgusting to hear that fujoshis are treating 'coming out' as such a big thing when it's the literal equivalent of telling ppl they like porn,, like why would you even WANT ......   2 reply
28 01,2018

gabby's question ( All 0 )