is it just me or what happened to the scroll view?? I'm logged in and everything but it's by pages now wtf mangago i'm too lazy for this (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Huh I still got the option. But some users have been complaining about not having the option too. Weird. I wonder if this has anything to do with what happened a few days ago when mangago kinda changed the format of this site slightly by having colored tabs at the bottom for Fb, tumblr and g+. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ dunno if it's just a glitch or something but I guess wait it out a couple of days? Usually problems tend to go away that way.

this isn't related to manga or anything but is anyone following the bts outcast thing bc bOi I have like nobody to talk to about it and I have a headache bc I've screaming and looking at literally all the theories omg save me pls ((and ofc all my bangtan boyz))

Hello fellow army. Let us die together

Waiting for the update ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

hi so does anyone here know where to watch hyperventilation (the korean bl animation) bc I would gladly watch it on the creator's patreon, but you need to pay and I don't own a credit card nor would my parents let me use theirs (pls don't suggest stealing lmao) and yeah I think I've watched the first 3 episodes on youtube but idk where I csn find the rest,, please help ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ok I know this won't help u but if you watched it in English were or can some help put sub on YouTube welp (yes I know I'm stupid Ok) ╥﹏╥

mrm used to have it but they removed all video formats like the movies and ovas etc

I only have 4 https://vimeo.com/208580095/c14daa099f

there is this Sasha guy, who has it on his site, of course with Russian sub. https://vk.com/video269185062_456239021

do you guys have any manga recs where the seme has a kid

here's some list (not exclusively seme with kids): ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

have you looked over my list yet? http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/24154/
hey okay this isnt manga related, but i've been on hols for 3months and school starts again on monday, and basically i had this huge as fight right before hols started with one of my closest friends who i'd told everything to and we cut contact completely and i havent seen him since and honestly my anxiety and depression are acting up bc i dont know how im supposed to handle seeing him
(and for reference 'talking things out isnt an option' just bc the reason we even fought was bc he said my mental illness was too overwhelming and he said i was too sensitive and a alot of other mean and frankly unjustified stuff when he already knewi. was going through all this shit and also when i attempted suicide he said 'lol hope its not too serious cya')
Someone who considers your mental illness as too overwhelming or you being too sensitive doesn't really deserved to be called a friend...
Screw them. Who says that to another person??? "lol hope it's not too serious cya". Completely forget about them and walk and act past them like you've never met them in your life. I do that to people I cut ties with along time ago. It gets easier to do that. It may hurt a lil but remind your self that this person is shitty and you DONT need that negativity in your life rn. It worked for me when i was in school.
Be an alpha honey, as hard as it is you need to be an alpha and not let other people's word control/take over you, if it's negative. Also try not to make your ex-friend "the bad guy" instantly because who knows what's in his mind as well or how his mind works. Maybe he's just a type of person who doesn't like anything negative, that's why he said that. You both have a reason if have been asked both. But in your side, i want you to be an alpha, you know who you are and how you work, so someone's word should not affect you.
If you really want to ease the tension, stop exposing him to your "mental illness." Discuss other, lighter things with him. Mental illness really is hard to handle when that's all you ever talk about with him. Call him up and say, "can we be friends again? I promise, no mental stuff." It sounds like he got soaked to full saturation with your stuff. I'm sure there's plenty of other facets to you than just your depression and suicide attempt. My advice, if you attempted suicide, never tell anyone about it. People are not very understanding about it. They'll just brand you as a nut job and leave you alone. Don't give other people reasons to look down on you. Talk this stuff out with a therapist who is paid to be understanding and to keep your confidence. I hope you have the bases covered as far as having your psychiatry and therapy thing together. If not, you need to make those appointments and keep them, and do what the psychiatrist tells you, take your meds etc.
if you're a human being, other people's words will affect you, and does anyone really know who they are? Everyone is a work in progress, always changing.
People dealing with depression, a serious illness, will be vulnerable the same way people who are sick with any other long-term illness. You can't expect them to be strong when they aren't able to be strong.
People who don't like anything negative are just plain wrong. Rejecting people because they aren't positive all the time is a cruel expectation made by unreasonable people.
normally i wouldve agreed with you 100% bc when i became friends with him i didnt even let on to anything but like apparently he sorta guessed or smth and asked my other friend abt it and thats how he knew?? ive honwstly never talked to him abt my mental illness bc i know he's not the type of person who will want to deal with smth like that and the only reason i told him abt the suicide attempt is bc my friends knew we were hella close and told him abt it while i was in the hospital but yeah a bit of what i dont agree with you on is not telling ppl,, its not like i go around telling everyone i meet abt my situation only the ppl i know who care abt me and will understand but at the same time i dont think that its right that i should just hide this shit for fear of ppl judging me and pretend that i dont have depression (definitely would never mention the suicide thing though i have too much anxiety for that)
thank you so much!! i'll definitely try to avoid him completely bc i feel like if he even talks to me imma either punch him or cry oops
yeah im scared that if he tries to talk to me i'll either punch him or cry oops
Yup just walk by like you dont hear him if he tries to say anything to you. They'll eventually comprehend that you dont wanna be socializing with them anymore.
well, your friend who told him isn't much of a friend for blabbing your private business, yes? Question: are you a girl? If so, let him go. Make friends with other girls, not guys.
thank you for seeing my points. I do see yours, too.
Please remember never to trust anyone. not anyone, not parents, not friends, lovers, or family. It's hard to think that no one can be trusted, but it's true. Never trust anyone with anything you don't want spread to the entire world. If you do, you'll have to learn the hard way not to trust people with your secrets. Don't trust people. They will tell someone, and that someone will tell someone. Every time, without fail, no exceptions.