August Aung May 17, 2021 7:39 pm

Which is better, reading novel or manga?
I only know that I hate Wan NN for being like that why can't he prove his innocent and being suffered like that.

    WeFoundLoveInAHopelessPlace May 19, 2021 12:07 am

    Struggle is real. You need to have a good comprehension for you to grasp the meaning of the translation.

    August Aung May 20, 2021 5:22 am

    Yeah! The manhwa is alittle bit different from novel!

August Aung May 13, 2021 12:09 pm

I really hate Jooin. I don't know what he is thinking. If he love the cat sunbae why he refused him? If he hurt u some way, u must give a chance to Cain little by little. He's very rude. U can refuse nicely

August Aung April 29, 2021 3:51 pm

Plz Someone give a birth baby like Royu Royu for me ☹☹Love him so much

August Aung April 28, 2021 6:02 pm

He said that he's a treasure. Why did he treat him like a white? And why don't he give up that shop and live alone? I know that's ur mother shop but come on u don't deserve to be treated like that.

August Aung March 18, 2021 10:00 am

Why Yahwi acts like he cares about Jooin.
He should treat him good from the start not just for sex. He remembers him but he didn't treat him good and now why suddenly he wants him? I m so pissed off
He is just another dumb MC.
Why all the MC in BL are like that

August Aung March 13, 2021 1:38 pm

I love little Mo

    Melody March 13, 2021 1:42 pm

    Best character ever

August Aung March 13, 2021 5:41 am

That's what I am saying. U have to move on with your own precious family and don't push them aside. The family u had back then is not deserved to call a family.

August Aung March 12, 2021 11:48 am

August Aung March 5, 2021 7:38 am

You know that your stupid father is lying so why do you have to act like that. And also your mom left you bcause she is selfish and u know all of that so why do u have to act like a moron. U have your own family bro. Just don't let them suffer what u suffered.

    no_lane March 5, 2021 8:42 am

    His mental health is going down and you're blaming Hyesung? That's like saying to suicidal people to man up. It's never easy to forget the past. Yes he has a family now but that isn't some kind of cure for him to forget all of those years of abuse and neglect. Hyesung doing all of this self meditation is not only good for him but for everyone else. You don't wanna see a stressed Hyesung be forced to pour out his madness to his child would you?

    Fountain♡DG March 5, 2021 8:46 am

    You know you’re also being selfish and ignorant for telling a depressed and traumatized person to just shake everything off just because he’s in a better place now. This guy was left ALONE for so many years at such a young age with longing for acceptance and love. He had to survive ALONE because his ugly ass father DOESNT WANT HIM. He and his mother were abused physically and mentally and now he suddenly claims he wants him back??? you think he can just be like “oh yea anyway moving on—“ you’re insane.

    Hyesung isn’t mentally okay. He was doing well, he was finally happy but his dad comes and ruins it for him. Hyesung needs answers to move on but he can’t trust anybody!! He needs to be alone!! Let him be!!

    Its so upsetting people like you do not understand such thing. Please if you ever encounter a depressed person in real life DO NOT EVER EVER JUST TELL THEM TO STOP ACTING LIKE A MORON AND TO GET IT TOGETHER. That isn’t helping. NOT AT ALL.

    NekoNeko March 5, 2021 9:27 am

    wow insensitive much? Hyesung just came face to face with his abuser who happens to be his father. that same abuser dropped a bomb and told hyesung everything he’s believed until now was a lie. and u want hyesung to say "ok" and act normally? do you not know how trauma works? if you don’t understand it then at least don’t blame the BIGGEST VICTIM here

    ホータン March 5, 2021 11:12 am

    the fact that no one liked this comment-

    August Aung March 5, 2021 3:53 pm
    You know you’re also being selfish and ignorant for telling a depressed and traumatized person to just shake everything off just because he’s in a better place now. This guy was left ALONE for so many years... Fountain♡DG

    Relax baby girl. It's just a manga not a real life. You don't have to compare this with ur real life baby.

    He was happy so why he makes himself and his family to suffer himself with just that word " I never said I don't want you?" If he ignores him he can go back to his happy life. I m saying that. If u r happy stay where u feel happy but don't ruin happy moment with some shitty unimportant things

    August Aung March 5, 2021 4:01 pm
    wow insensitive much? Hyesung just came face to face with his abuser who happens to be his father. that same abuser dropped a bomb and told hyesung everything he’s believed until now was a lie. and u want hye... NekoNeko

    We all have our trauma and I know well how it works.
    But we r different ppl so we live our lives differently and same with dealing with traumas.
    And I m just saying from my point of view. Different ppl different thoughts.
    No one can live in the past we have to let it go and move on

    August Aung March 5, 2021 4:03 pm
    the fact that no one liked this comment- ホータン

    Yeah maybe I m a bad guy with some bad thoughts here haha.

    Fountain♡DG March 5, 2021 4:16 pm
    Relax baby girl. It's just a manga not a real life. You don't have to compare this with ur real life baby. He was happy so why he makes himself and his family to suffer himself with just that word " I never sai... August Aung

    Nah sis since you feel this way over a fictional character you 100% also have a shitty attitude in real life lmao. What your thoughts right now reflects in real life :) I can see what kind of person you are.

    You really do sound ignorant smh. Lmaooooo

    NekoNeko March 5, 2021 6:31 pm
    We all have our trauma and I know well how it works.But we r different ppl so we live our lives differently and same with dealing with traumas. And I m just saying from my point of view. Different ppl different... August Aung

    so you know people deal with traumas with different ways. then why call Hyesung a moron for dealing with his trauma his way? your point of view is shit because you not only don’t understand his pain, ur judging him when he’s at his lowest. It’s easy to say "let go of the past".. not everyone handles trauma the same way. let hyesung deal with his trauma and u have no right to call him a moron. you would be the moron here since you can’t understand why ur pov is wrong. everyone can have different views but every view isn’t correct. congrats on being wrong

    August Aung March 6, 2021 4:58 am
    Nah sis since you feel this way over a fictional character you 100% also have a shitty attitude in real life lmao. What your thoughts right now reflects in real life :) I can see what kind of person you are. Yo... Fountain♡DG

    Wow u must me a fortune teller or smth. U can know ppl attitude and life over a manga. Wow I m impressed. N for u, u must be the person who held on the past so much and can't move on. Soooo bad sis u have to live a real life not in fantasy manga n also u sure have a shitty attitudes in real life. Except u everyone is wrong. Accept what I say blah blah. Baby girl a ittle divergent is not a big deal try to accept others opinions too. N everyone has their own life experiences. I maybe the only one who said to move on but I won't take my words cause if I were him and if same problem encounters me in my life in one day, I will exactly do like I said. N sorry for being ignorant. I think that's how I live my life

    August Aung March 6, 2021 5:02 am
    so you know people deal with traumas with different ways. then why call Hyesung a moron for dealing with his trauma his way? your point of view is shit because you not only don’t understand his pain, ur judgi... NekoNeko

    Haha sorry I don't think I m wrong. U judge me according to ur pov and said I m wrong. So I judge him according to my pov how can I be wrong? U r just being selfish aren't u. Ur attitude is like u rnot the same with us so u r the bad guy. Haha

    August Aung March 6, 2021 5:06 am
    so you know people deal with traumas with different ways. then why call Hyesung a moron for dealing with his trauma his way? your point of view is shit because you not only don’t understand his pain, ur judgi... NekoNeko

    Dealing his own trauma by hurting ppl surrounding him who were there for him? u think it's a good idea?

    Fountain♡DG March 6, 2021 6:42 am
    Wow u must me a fortune teller or smth. U can know ppl attitude and life over a manga. Wow I m impressed. N for u, u must be the person who held on the past so much and can't move on. Soooo bad sis u have to li... August Aung

    Lmaooo you sound 12. Also its not just “over a manga” its about your opinion on someone who is going through a hard time, you don’t even understand that? Okay, like what I said, calling someone who is depressed, a moron clearly reflects what you are as a person. Yeah this is fictional, a manhwa, but you are aware that things like this happen in real life right? (Minus the part where men get pregnant lol) If you still don’t get it I don’t know what else to tell you :) You’re right, I was a person who was depressed and abused just like Hyesung. Until now its hard to move on :) just because we’re in a better environment right now doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to feel this way.
    Duh? Sure you’re allowed to have your own opinion but if its to hurt other people especially people like Hyesung thats where its wrong lmao and that just shows from how many people disliked your comment, and the replies :> oh nooo~

    Lol okay? go ahead lol do that no one is stopping you~
    Like what the others had said, you clearly don’t understand. ~ That’s sad but I get it~ I feel bad for you, get well soon!

    NekoNeko March 6, 2021 8:14 am
    Dealing his own trauma by hurting ppl surrounding him who were there for him? u think it's a good idea? August Aung

    Hé is just taking a time off in his bedroom!!!!! HE DESERVES TO TAKE A REST AFTER THAT! If you work 24/7 ur body would be too tired to function and u would need to rest. Just like that Hyesung is mentally tired. He needs to rest and think. do you never rest? you don’t sleep at night? yeah SAME THING ! pls use ur brain

    no_lane March 6, 2021 8:58 am
    Dealing his own trauma by hurting ppl surrounding him who were there for him? u think it's a good idea? August Aung

    What do you want him to do? Just keep it and act as if nothing happened? That'd only make his mental health worsen. He can't simply ignore this one like the past bc his father threw him a bomb of revelation! Congrats for you if you did what you preach when you were depressed but like you said, everyone has their own coping mechanism. Let hyesung have a time to meditate. HE IS NOT SHUNNING AWAY HIS FAMILY. HE WAS JUST ASKING FOR PERSONAL SPACE. And his family respect him for that. It may be hard for the little child to not have attention from his parent for the meantime. But that's better than seeing his own parent right before his eyes slowly going down bc he did not have the time to cope. Idk why is it so hard for you to understand that you should just respect Hyesung. He had a hard life and he's just tired and a mess rn. Be like his family, show respect and be there for him. I still cant comprehend how you can call a depressed person a moron.

    August Aung March 6, 2021 10:00 am
    Lmaooo you sound 12. Also its not just “over a manga” its about your opinion on someone who is going through a hard time, you don’t even understand that? Okay, like what I said, calling someone who is dep... Fountain♡DG

    It's clear u r mixing things with your real life. Haha
    Good go ahead and live like that.
    N I didn't call him a moron. I just said why do he acts like a moron. If u act like a Lady GaGa, that doesn't mean u r a Lady GaGa baby so I said only his actions. Not to him read carefully

    Fountain♡DG March 6, 2021 6:08 pm
    It's clear u r mixing things with your real life. HahaGood go ahead and live like that. N I didn't call him a moron. I just said why do he acts like a moron. If u act like a Lady GaGa, that doesn't mean u r a ... August Aung

    Are you good? Lmao! See that? You just proved me right :) You’re clearly dumb as fuck thats why nothing goes inside your head honesty I pray for you! Please get well soon okay?

August Aung March 2, 2021 3:16 pm

Look at that Aajushi proud face. Uhh I love u my man

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