My brother is gay want to do ( All 1 )

first kiss

My brother is gay's experience ( All 0 )

My brother is gay's answer ( All 17 )

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Sigh i'd just want attention   reply
09 02,2021
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Why someone is mocking me abt the lonely fujoshi....sigh i hate my life   reply
09 02,2021
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WEH sorry ah korang cam ne nk delete :v   1 reply
09 02,2021
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sabar je lh   reply
09 02,2021
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Aq nk buat babi air, duit dh ade tapi tak tau cm ne nk gi kedai, nk ajak akak aq karang kena marah, sebb membazir duit....lagipun mmg betul pon :v   1 reply
09 02,2021

My brother is gay's question ( All 18 )

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No one cares lol :v
09 02,2021
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Well I'm sorry coz i'll make this site like my own site, and talking Malay and many users on this site didn't like and maybe they annoyed bc they didn't understand , so i'd going to talk eng :v
09 02,2021
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Boleh ke ckp "assalamualaikum bitches" and satu lagi Aq tau aku ni bengap sikit sebab ckp aslm kat site ni, so please jangan kecam aq, aq hanyalah seorang fujoshi yang keseorangan :v jangan bully aq hshshsh
09 02,2021
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It's 10:27pm at my country
09 02,2021
about question
so tadi kawan aq yang sorang ni aq dh kenal dia lama dh, pastu tadi aq mesej lah dalam grup guna voice mesej pastu dia tetiba datang ckp "cah" (nama aq aisyah) pastu dia ckp "sejak bila cah" pastu aq pon reply je la sejak tau dia mcm perli aq lh mcm "sejak bila pandai baut itu ini " haih sabo je lah, geram aq, lantak aq lh nk voice mesej ke nk mati ke nk mampos ke, just mind ur own buisness bitch, sibuk betul dia tu, kalau ikutkan aku geram ja nk reply "lah lantak aku lh yang kau beria nk ckp sejak bila ni asal" annoying tau dia tu, nasib kawan kalau cousin dh lama dh aq ckp cm tu
09 02,2021

People are doing

did discord server

Keep having fun and having good vibes, i mean it. I made mistakes and stuff and learned from it. Just for the sake of others, stop. who gaf.

22 minutes
did making friends on mangago

none of you genuinely have to keep fighting (this is literally why i tried to kms) so pls get along with each other. Dont risk it.

24 minutes
did ending friendships

its over alr just gosh... can everyone of you move on. I wasnt mentally stable in 2024, i kept crashing out and sharing things i shouldnt.

26 minutes