Ian January 30, 2025 6:21 pm

This is tew good

Ian December 18, 2024 9:20 pm

1. I don't want to be interested in this, but I lowkey am.

2. The art is really good, although in comparison to how the background looks, I felt as though they (the characters) looked a bit out-of-place. But, let's blame that on the fact that I've read historic mwanhas with a similar art style, and now feels a little odd, or rather, unfamiliar now that the time takes place in a more modern one.

Ian December 3, 2024 9:39 pm

I remember like, 2% of these characters; the two percent being the main family. The short one, the big guy, and Byul. Don't ask me their names, you know who I'm talking about.

Ian November 25, 2024 3:10 pm

Whaatt, your bestie or whatever came to HIM! HE wanted YOU in the first place, whaatt??

Ian October 14, 2024 8:04 pm

I recently just saw a "Would You Rather" question on here asking, "Would you rather read a story with well written characters, but it has a bad plot." Or, "Would you rather read a story with a good plot, but badly written characters." I think it was some more shit about preference and whatnot, but...I think this story applies to the first option: Well written characters with bad plot.

I mean, I haven't made it that far into the story, like 14 chapters or some...but it's just like...I feel like the should have known each other beforehand for him to be this whiney and whatever--over this man. But, I don't know. Maybe I'm just growing out of this type of shit and want more than a sexual relationship between the ml and nd'ml.

I don't know man.
Those who have read further than me, let me know if I'm tripping or not.

    forgottensnow October 15, 2024 6:55 pm

    I’d choose the characters one any day. I cannot, for the life of me, get into a story where I do not like the characters or feel nothing for them. Unless of course it’s the author’s intention, like cosmic horror and other genres for example. Good characters just get me going because you are constantly entertained and invested in them even if nothing else makes sense around them. But oh well, that’s just me!

    Lemon October 16, 2024 7:17 am
    I’d choose the characters one any day. I cannot, for the life of me, get into a story where I do not like the characters or feel nothing for them. Unless of course it’s the author’s intention, like cosmic... forgottensnow

    Me too. I prefer character-driven story. Even if the plot is brain dead, I can even turn off my brain. I can't get into a story, no matter good it is, if the protagonist isn't likeable.

    Suppy October 17, 2024 8:03 am

    In my opinion, I'd choose well written character too cuz the plot is made by them. They're not made by the plot. If they're well written they can change the plot anytime if that's what the creator want. Like I could ignore the plot if they're well written character. Still good plot is also very important. But shit character with good plot is still bad plot imo

Ian May 20, 2024 1:32 pm

"It's just fiction"

"Everyone has their prefered genre."

Yeah, well that doesn't make you any less sick or disgusting for feening over a fucking r@pist, whilst watching someone get r@ped. Like, I obviously do know this is fiction, but you guys are real life beings, supporting that bitch.

So, yeah, I'm not mad at the fiction. It's a story, after all.

I'm more so mad and disgusted at the people who are genuinely enjoying this, defending this shit. That's what I'm more upset at. You, bitch.

You're fucking disgusting

    Ian May 20, 2024 1:34 pm

    Disgusted, disappointed.

    Tomato, tomato.

    navier May 20, 2024 7:41 pm

    then go away you weirdo, why are you even on this website when all it contains are stories so fucked up that it’ll set you off to insult random people on the internet. go back to reading books so you can feel better about yourself and stop being such an ass. it’s annoying to see your type o comment on a series that’s known to be what it is.

    Ian May 20, 2024 9:51 pm
    then go away you weirdo, why are you even on this website when all it contains are stories so fucked up that it’ll set you off to insult random people on the internet. go back to reading books so you can feel... navier

    Okay, first off, "It's annoying to see your type of comment on a series that's known to be what it is." I did not know what the fuck I was getting into when I began to read this story.

    And then, "Go back to reading books so you can feel better about yourself and stop being such an ass." My comment must've hit such a soft spot, huh?

    Anyways now that those two are out of the way.

    You must've misunderstood my comment. I wasn't bashing the story, or (necessarily) the people who are (continuing to) read(ing) this. I was bashing the ones who are basically sucking Zahils (or however you spell his name, the blond one with the chest tattoo), dick.

    With their only excuse being, "it's fiction."

    If me not morally liking that somehow makes you so pissed off, you might actually just be the weirdo in this situation, buddy. You right along with anyone else who fits that description.


    I in fact, still do read actual, physical books.

    And it's not to make me "feel better about myself".

    It's because their good stories, and don't involve [actual] people who dick-suck a fucking r@pist.

    I'm not mad at the story, I'm just disappointed at the people who are genuinely riding with this man. And I would say to each their own, but...I think I've said too much, that'll contradict it all, huh?

    So, I said it before, and I'll say it again, mwah.

    Have good day, or night, pookie.

    Ian May 20, 2024 9:55 pm

    LMAOO, I just re-read my comment, and maybe calling ya'll bitches was a bit too much, sorryy .

    As well as calling ya'll disgusting.

    0I think morally disgusting is (way) more fitting. Yeah, morally.

    Liliesmz May 20, 2024 10:34 pm

    This whole situation is pathetic. People who are so mentally fucked up they actually get hard seeing fictional people get r@ped, supporting such problematic platforms even if they'd themselves never cross the line, are so pathetic. People who think that shaming paraphiles by telling them the obvious ("you're disgusting and fucked up") will change something, when all they're doing is making them want to hide even more from society and surveillance, are pathetic too. Everyone cares only about their own interests and the problem is never solved. Even if you wiped every paraphile and paraphile mefia off the Earth's surface, someone could unfortunately still create it out of thin air.

    Liliesmz May 20, 2024 10:37 pm
    This whole situation is pathetic. People who are so mentally fucked up they actually get hard seeing fictional people get r@ped, supporting such problematic platforms even if they'd themselves never cross the l... Liliesmz

    LMAO I haven't seen OP's edit. Nevermind.

    Liliesmz May 20, 2024 10:38 pm
    LMAO I haven't seen OP's edit. Nevermind. Liliesmz

    LMAO my bad, I haven't seen OP's edit.

Ian May 5, 2024 10:36 am

Why can't I just read a finished story


Ian July 13, 2021 12:37 pm

These comments are...interesting

Ian June 28, 2021 10:27 am

I really like this so I do hope someone picks it up again.

Ian June 27, 2021 4:11 pm

Is there anywhere else I can read this I'm honestly kind of tired waiting for someone to update this. ( ̄_ ̄)

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