i tried really hard not to be a keyboard warrior today
Preferably not the gimmicky ones centered around their femininity, but i’m not too picky.
why they hit him with the twink ray give him his wrinkles back
Himari Uehara, for a first-year high school boy, knows very little about sex. Without his father at ...
- Author: suzumaru minta
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / School Life
I love rape. I adore rape. I live for rape. When a BL has a rapist main character, it's an automatic 10/10, a 5-star story, and it's even better if they're a brutal, unrelenting, unapologetic rapist. A man that takes when he wants it. A strong seme who grips the uke until he's red and just laughs when he's told he's being too rough. Rape in yaoi is an honored, sanctified tradition. BL without rape is like an angel without its wings, a flower without soil, a mother without her child. Taking rape away from yaoi is a disgusting, perverted act. It's akin to taking away a chick from its nest. It's cultural to us fujoshi. Yaoi rape culture. It's real. It's valuable. And it should be protected. #IStandWithYaoiRape
Women write gay romances far better than the average gay male author. Fetishization is superior to "representation."
The common sentiment of "yaoi is problematic" is deeply rooted in blatant Hitler rhetoric. A lot of y'all are Nazi's. DNI + KYS if you're "anti-fujo." You hate minorities.
I am a gay man. A "male fujoshi," not fudanshi. Because I'm a feminist.
I exclusively read BL.
Everyone who tries to argue with me is morally corrupt and should be hanged, drawn and quartered.
Twitter @YA0IRAPE
being gay = being misogynistic
An assassin who cannot kill x a blind young man"If you knew the real me... you'd be disapp...
- Author: mori moyori
- Genres: Yaoi
jesus christ someone buy this kid a happy meal or something