Yura Hwang, an actress that only gets to act as extras for all seven years since she has started her...
There is one thing that annoyed me throughout this entire story. I don’t even remember her name but the short whiteish haired girl- the one who has a crush on the ml is the epiphany of a bitch. She had ABSOLUTELY no reason to cause drama, and she really had the audacity to say she was only trying to help so there was “no suspicion” on him having a relationship. She knew what she was doing and even after when she goes to return the “gift” to the ml, even after he tells her it’s from the company and not him, she insisted on not keeping it cus “it would cause problems for him and his girlfriend” knowing that the fl was said girlfriend… And then proceeds to tell the fl about how everyone was saying they were “So perfect together” and shit- and in the end they still are nice enough to consider her a friend. Just saying that I wouldn’t have stood by and let her be so disrespectful and rude, would’ve called her out ASAP for the shit she knew she was doing ffs… mad annoying but overall it was good, if the bitch was called out it would’ve been perfect tho.