For those who don’t know the author has a problem with their wrist, I think they might’ve gotten surgery? (I’m not sure instas auto translate isn’t the greatest) although it’s improved it’s still healed enough to carry on with a weekly upload webtoon schedule. They’re not sure when they’ll be back so they can’t give a date. But they haven’t dropped it in case anyone thought so. If you want to read officially they have this on webtoon as well. Hopefully they get better soon and we’ll be able to continue reading this story.

There’s two chapters missing after 77, there should be the 4th chapter of Diana’s story as well as the authors note on finishing season 1. In Diana’s story last chapter it shows who comes to the restaurant, Choi Gil-bae reaction to ‘losing’ Diana and then we get to see Diana and Rosa grown up together and then doryoung determination to save Rosa
The fact that izek/some of the knights in the roomlook worse for wear than ruby after what she just went through is kinda shocking. It looks like she’s only had blood smeared on a tiny bit of her face. If I’ve read the novel spoilers/excerpts, I’m so disappointed. I’m not saying it needed to look super gorey or intense but at least something more than what looks like someone’s wiped their blood on her face