The blue haired girl didn't do anything mean, only have a love interest in the prince. Everyone calling her a bitch makes me uncomfortable, what if the story was from her point of view? Would y'all be screaming at the blonde author then?
We all know the outcome anyway, she'll be rejected, so let's stop being si negative about other women, shall we? She's not a bitch, she's just interested in someone.

she originally was terrified of ML and didn’t want to be near him and then after one look at him she started to pursue him even though she has the crown prince (she WANTED the crown prince). it’s just so superficial that her feelings keep flipping, it doesn’t seem genuine. but yeah i agree that some people are taking it too far with the insults, but i see what they’re coming from haha.

She was supposed to be engaged with the crown prince and I think she thought the crown prince was still Rayburn and didn’t know that the white haired dude became the crown prince instead of him . But yeah maybe at the time the engagement was set it was meant for Garnet and Rayburn but it changed and she was quite satisfied with that .

I just saw the replies, and i forgot that she was scared of Rayburn at first. But still, in no way was she ever mean to our main protagonist or anyone else. Sure, she's a bit superficial for liking the first prince after being scared of the image she had of him at first, but to me that's nothing, everybody has a part of them that's superficial. It was an arranged marriage with the second prince anyway, it is more than common in aristocratie to have lovers, most of the time noble men and women had MULTIPLE lovers.. But anyway we're not here for a lesson on history, i just thought it was a bit excessive?

But i think you’re right … Isn’t she just pathetic ?
She’s a tool for her country, brought in to be married to « a » prince - anyone of them, even despite the terrible reputation of her supposed fiancé. No one cares what she thinks who she likes and if she’s be liked at all, or even if it’s safe !
Also, she’s just a teenager when it happens, and obviously her education is insufficient to cope : she feels a bit like a Marie Antoinette from litterature
So yes she sticks like glue to her « i’m the crown princess » identity, and she dream of love . She’s very unlikeable, but so far, i mostly can’t help pity her …
if she were to become evil (likely ?), that’s another story …
I like the sister, she's thoughtful and wants the best for her brother. Her thinking process is good too, of course we don't know the real reasons for Nakyum's feelings towards Seungho but what she said made a lot of sense. Of course he would feel attraction for the only person he's in contact with! Even more if the guy is attractive and just told him his feelings(not to mention all the physical... things that happened between them lmao)
Obviously Nakyum is not gonna give up on Seungho, but making him think for once isn't bad LMAO
"of course he would feel attraction for the only person he's in contact with. even more if the guy is attractive." lmfaooo this is so accurate that i love it hahHshahdAH. like damn, ikr?
Lmaooo, glad you like it! I'm like poor dude, no wonder, who wouldn't?