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UnknownToaster July 15, 2021 1:03 pm

I hoped that this story would end ina poly relationship since Cain is good and putting Yahwi in and I thought they would have a nice dynamic thought and it would be cute but nope. Its clear thats not a choice anymore cause Yahwi is a very greedy hoe.

I feel Cain would have fine with it as long as Yahwi treated Jooin with love and respect
( but right now Yahwi giving him the "WHY WONT YOU GIVE ME YOUR ASS?!?!?" treatment

UnknownToaster April 17, 2021 11:22 pm

Like I hella enjoy reading this sort of dark shit, there's nothing wrong with reading it and saying you enjoy it cuz it's fictional who cares, right?

But... I find people who say that the top isn't raping the bottom and what he's doing isn't bad in the slightest quite concerning??

It's fine and dandy if you think it's okay in fiction but if you think's okay in IRL too, there's definitely something wrong...

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