Kondou's PoV makes it seems like the oh-so-common isekai MC like Yua who are happy-go-lucky most of the time even more immature and irritating to watch them let their emotions get better of them. Dang, I think this will affect how I see the generic isekai MCs in the future.

I think your right about her naivety dur to her age, in the real world, I myself as an adult think it's kinda stupid of any isekai protag, not to consider the political, ethical, and moral stand point of any monarch/imperialism of any nation.
I like this MC because he is more mature and thinks about the bigger picture.
But I like other isekai for the fluff or entertainment.
I'm getting so mad that I can't do any physical harm to that Eno.
I feel the same. My blood is boiling and I want to stab him with a fork:[