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nori June 18, 2024 5:43 pm

Once I felt like hey all this black suspect figure and gradually growing list of connections are giving strong Detective Conan vibes, I can't help but read the deductions with the dramatic effects as in the anime

    Yassan June 19, 2024 5:04 pm

    shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu

nori July 22, 2021 10:55 pm

I think most manhwa only readers won't know this. So I will go ahead and say, Train Molestation and Stuck-in-a-Hole to be used by Strangers Sexually are both a kink in Japanese BL/Hentai/Porn(never seen one for GL). Like there are even dedicated tags.
This may be the first time I have ever seen such kinks in a serialized work and not a dj or one-shot, and both tags at that. Maybe author-nim have come across them a few times and inspired by them.
I'm not personally that comfortable with both and I avoid them but if you're into BL long enough you end up seeing what you don't wanna see one day.

    Suibian July 22, 2021 10:59 pm

    personally it's not even about the stuck-in-the-wall thing (which personally id prefer if people kept in PURE porn and not porn with a lil love story on the side) but the way it came outta mf nowhere like what? the? fuck? did we just read

    nori July 22, 2021 11:04 pm
    personally it's not even about the stuck-in-the-wall thing (which personally id prefer if people kept in PURE porn and not porn with a lil love story on the side) but the way it came outta mf nowhere like what?... Suibian

    Ikr, like I said, I have never seen this in a serialized, running series before. And not in a manhwa. Got me bamboozled. Didn't want to put it this way, but it's like various kinks are being thrown in to make it extreme, in terms of spicing things up.

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