I’m sorry I love the push and pull relationship built whatever I genuinely hate though foolishness especially stupid misunderstanding!!!!
I was reading up to Chp 22 and I decided to skip because it felt like I was reading the same chapters repeatedly!!!! For a whole 22 time, so I jump to 30 ( really didn’t need to know what happen in the other chapters since it’s probably the same bullshit repeated) I love manga especially ones that give wholesome vibes but this, this isn’t it
My opinion, I don’t really care about yours xoxo
Aww his reason for disliking women might be silly to some, but please remember he was a kid and a boy and in the time period that this is written, girls were the ‘only’ ones that were thought to like cute or nice thing while men were made to believe otherwise…..and let’s not forget he was a kid, being a kid you are easily influenced so them making fun of him probably broke is heart and he didn’t voice why or how he felt