People are complaining its boring but them be the same people that enjoy shit like Jinx and Codename Anastasia. This manwha is super cute and fluffy and both couples have no SA or toxicity, just love and wholesomeness. There is a lot of smut, yes, but that necessarily mean it’s a bad manwha. So many other manwhas have the same amount of amount but with so much more abuse and SA. This was refreshing and adorable. Loved it!

Oml Cain deserves sm better. I hope he falls in love with someone amazing and is happy. Yawho can go die and honestly if Jooin keeps playing with Cain’s feelings, he can too! He’s like “i like u but give me time” and runs off to learn Yawhis backstory like girl that shouldnt matter if u like cain! Ilysm Cain ur such a sweetie sob
Bruh this can’t be real. No way this is the ending we get after 72 chapters. Fuck this shit