i knew “they” were male bc the cat freaked but what i want to know is what they identify as are they trans? do they want to be a woman bc theyre perfectly fine with everyone using she/her pronouns and having long hair and feminine characteristics soo ╥﹏╥
also the art is always so scrumptious THEYRE ALL SO BEAUTIFUL
what representation. Who's offended?
I'm tired of people thinking "representation" is a trend, a fashion. People are so fucking gullible right now and they're destroying every fucking good story for the sake of their shitty "representation". Just shut up and enjoy the story, people wanting everyone being tans and non-binary and all that mentally ill crap that's "trending" so people can feel special is so fucking stupid. Take that USA shit to Twitter where people do seem to care.
how are you gonna have a unique characteristic that your pursuit gets matching tattoos and NOT give that to us. also i would’ve loved to see more about his moms?! and hello i wanted to see him get over his creative block and do the exhibit. this story was honestly so hard to follow i don’t know if it was a translation issue but most of the dialogue i had no idea wtf was going on overall wasn’t impressed with story and lack of depth or the flat side characters who were just forgotten about
coming to the comments to find out everyone hates zero….. ╥﹏╥
ikr? are we even reading the same story? why the hate for a magical animal that doesn't know any better and honestly doesn't understand how humans and human mating/friendship systems work? he's acting as he would if he was trying to win a mate from a competitor. he's also responding to everyone AS A SNAKE SHOULD/WOULD. why does no one not seem to understand that? not to mention if anyone should be mad, it's at Hwa because she's LITERALLY oblivious to Zero's feelings and why he's doing what he's doing, even though he's made it pretty obvious he doesn't want to be seen as a "little brother" but as a "worthy mate"
i love how the author lowkey forgot about the younger brother