it's increasingly difficult to read comics illegally these days ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
you must be proud
So true lol. Everyone suddenly being a saint when it comes to lezhin's manhwa piracy but don't care about the rest japanese manga piracy here. I find it funny
Ever wonder why Japanese publishers don't pursue legal action for their unlicensed work?
When poor people think they have a choice. It is honestly funny.
Smh I thought my reply didn't send properly I had to re type it lol
Wait, so you mean Junoh didn't tell what happened with Kim Chang Hyun to Minoh?
Wow ... I couldn't stay without telling something so important to an even more important person. Especially with everything that happened, all the trouble they had because of all that; Especially because it was something that affected them a lot in their relationship. I hope I got it wrong.